
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @Elaijah1: She didn't pay for it though.

I'm not paying $96 a year to be on twitter. I doubt many people will.



R to @carpe_taco: I've lived in London, Paris, Venice, Rome, Bristol, Milan, Los Angeles, NYC, and other places for shorter periods: Puerto Rico, Dublin, Atlanta, Hawaii..

I just feel really happy in LA. Even though I'm going through the worst possible time of my life.



R to @Manatee_Hopkins: 😂😂😂😂

The Manatee thing is pretty damn funny I have to say.

I'm really sorry about your cousin. There should be laws about those boats!

Yes of course. Hatchet buried.



R to @kylegrantham: Totally agree.

The benefit isn't actually for me - it's for those who have seen me on tv or in moves and want to know it's actually me they are tweeting to.

I think what will happen if he asks the already verified to pay is they will all leave. And that might be ok.



R to @Debkrol: Me too. Mine just appeared.

I never asked for it.

However it bugs the s out of me when people tell me I'm looking down on them because of the blue check. Nothing could be further from the truth.



R to @Scast503: I didn't really have any thoughts about it at all.

Do you know how many effigies of Obama have been hung from trees with nooses around their necks?

Does that make you laugh?



R to @TimothyMMitts: I pay taxes in CA, ATL, Hawaii, NYC, Oregon, and a few others I can't remember.



R to @TimothyMMitts: But that's what I'm saying.

I may have to move one day because I'm broke.

But I'm unbelievably happy here and so are my kids and I pinch myself every day to live in this town.

That is how I feel.

I don't get why this riles so many people. It's MY choice.



R to @Devenport: I don't even know where you are (Utah?) but not in a million years would I leave.

Neither would I consider telling my friends where they should and shouldn't move to like you have just done to me.

It's bizarre the backlash I get for saying I love where I live!



R to @Scast503: It doesn't matter what you believe.

I know what I believe. The bleeding head didn't bother me. He's the worst person ever to walk this earth and I couldn't give a s about him.

Now when I see George Floyd murdered on video by a power-crazed cop? yes that makes me furious.



R to @Obba_master: Thank you! The only difference is that back then I could drink and stay up late and go to work in the morning and still look good and now if I have two gin tonics and don't get to bed before 10.30p I look like Frankenstein's monster!



R to @TooSnarky: OMG do you mean this?

I am truly humbled and my lip is wobbling.

Thank you! I promise I will! ❤️❤️❤️❤️



R to @snoozells: Have you met her? Cos I haven't.

My feelings are just based on the fact that I like ballsy people and I don't like to see a woman slagged off so much.

But if you have met her and you know stuff I don't then I totally respect your opinion.



Can I ask a delicate question to divorced people?

My kids are bugging me to find a new man! I am kind of bewildered. It's the last thing I thought they'd want but 13yo told me today she misses having two parents in the house.

I'm shocked. But also freaking out.
