
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @Cycling_Matt75: Really useful.

I found myself in a situation quite suddenly that I didn't expect. It was the pandemic and I was completely isolated. Weirdly most of my really close friends are happily married. They've been amazing but I just feel overwhelmed by everything. Thank you so much!



R to @Lunachique: You sound like you're a really kind person and I think that's what makes the whole difference.

You want it to work, so you don't want to upset things with her. There are so many partners that just don't want the kids involved at all.



R to @sallyanne1966: Yes exactly! I have friends who have had that exact situation - a succession of random men who turned out not to be right.

I'm no psychologist but it can't be good for them!

Thank you for responding!



R to @Sian1972Sian: Thank you my lovely Sian.

I think it's quite funny - given my actual situation!



R to @avabird42: Thank you my lovely Ava.

Yes I do sometimes feel that I will be judged for whatever I do, although it was my decision to be a public figure and I don't blame anybody for judging.

I'm so glad your sister is happy. It's really inspiring to hear things like that when I get low.



R to @gc0123456: Lol I think you might be right!

I think I was panicked and overthought it. Going to delete now. but I got some amazing advice which I badly needed.

And I think they're way less worried about it all than I am!



R to @eduk19831: Lol! You're not wrong!

I've never had a one-night stand. I can't imagine it.

But I love the 'fill the tank back up' thing. I definitely need to do that. Thank you for your kind words!



R to @Becky_Stanton74: Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I do kind of understand because my dad married a woman who made him cut off all his three kids. But I was an adult. 11 is so young!

You came out such a nice person though and thank you for the advice!



R to @eduk19831: You're adorable. I grew up in the South but all my relatives on both sides are from the North. When I hear a northern accent it feels like home even though I don't have one myself. ❤️



R to @purbrooktony: I didn't play...

I always felt like I had a lot of good luck in life and that playing the lottery would bring bad luck.

I'm kind of reconsidering that foolishness now!

My god I wonder who won



R to @MinsterMum_: I think they did.
I think I drive them mad when I get sad!!!!



R to @Tristanshouts: I think so too. I'm going to delete now because I feel I might have overshared but I am SO SO grateful for all the careful thoughts and advice I got.

I can't afford my therapist atm so I'm way too much in my own head!

Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️



R to @eduk19831: Such a good point!

Wait for the right one. My friend was telling me to go on a dating app but that's just not my thing! I cannot IMAGINE how nervous I would be going on a date with s/o.

(Famous last words! Maybe a few years of celibacy will change my mind! )