
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @Cycling_Matt75: Not gonna happen is it?

7am alarm for the school run.

So much to check on what's been happening in the various elections....😂



R to @yejinsoul: I see what you mean. And yes it does make sense. I guess the comedy didn't come across very well.

I'm glad though!



R to @bennywarren: School starts at 8 🤷‍♀️

Last year Ella's bus left at 7am, so I had to get up at 6!



R to @TotalHockeyChic: Yes it was the wrong face for the situation. I realized right away. But I was half asleep and have clumsy fingers



R to @lindyli: Seeing those four great names up there as having lost their races makes me feel sad.

Your point is a very good one though.



R to @LisaMoo1976: Oh good for you! Go girl!

When it happened to me I started eating. So weird. And my hair fell out! I felt so low and unloved, then I'd get in the shower I'd think "well, to be honest, I wouldn't do me either"!



R to @LisaMoo1976: Bless you.

It's funny my 9 yo said to me yesterday "Mommy if you made your hair really pretty and went outside you might meet a boyfriend"


Wasn't ENTIRELY sure how to take it but it made me laugh so hard.



R to @Cycling_Matt75: Definitely not just you!

They were both panicking about 30 mins on Sunday because the remote had "gone missing" and they couldn't play their dance game.

They told me and I walked over to the sofa, picked up a cushion and handed them the remote!

It's always under a cushion!



R to @AdamParkhomenko: Wait, so if one candidate wins the other loses?

I am definitely switching to Fox there is so much I need to learn




R to @LisaMoo1976: Yep. I HAVE to do this. Single motherhood is hard though! (excuses excuses!)

Elsie also said that if I put make-up on and walked around the streets a paparazzo would take my picture and then a nice man would see the pic and phone me up!

But I HAD to look good, she said😂



R to @AliceEvansGruff: So many thoughts about this...

How would the 'nice man' get my number?

Is she advocating walking aimlessly around?

Where did she get this from???😂

(I get papped sometimes but I've never set one up!)