
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @MagBruin: I'm against baby murder.
I'm pro-choice for abortion.

You're welcome to your opinion, but you can't change the goal posts.



R to @HommieCash: Actually no.
I think Beto is an incredible candidate.
I just don't think he's necessarily what Texas wants.

As for the Presidential, he just wasn't ready.



R to @Sian1972Sian: Oh she's a c***. She used to follow me around 'concern trolling' and I ignored her and she became more and more of a pain so now she's blocked.



R to @ecdillard1112: Oh God I'm sorry.

I'm always told how awesome it is there.

It is very very Red though...



R to @mfsisney1: Exactly. Also I barely heard his name mentioned during the campaigns.

At one point I couldn't remember who DeSanctis was running against!



R to @MelpomeneMel: Yes that full thing is annoying. People always nagging me about it. Now have a message that says "please send me a text" and they STILL nag!



R to @TonyEva92385840: I wish I could watch it.

I know there is a way to finagle it but it's very challenging and not the sort of challenge I'm good at



R to @DaFLehrer4: What does the cast iron skillet do that a normal pan doesn't? I have always wondered..



R to @LaceyLoou: I THINK I was post-partum. Can't be sure but I remember bringing the kids to Atlanta a couple of times with me, and Elsie was a tiny baby so the postpartum tum would have been what I was covering!



R to @meghanor: Bang on the money. Exactly this.

We just don't know what is going to cause a flare or intense pain or a week in bed. So anxiety takes over.

Every time I agree to do something I worry about it!



R to @imsmandrews: I have both too. Years ago the fatigue and discomfort was the main problem. Then the pain kicked in. now it can be either or.



R to @LouiseMensch: Nobody has said anything to me and it's still there.

I don't understand.

I don't think I pay them anything except to be able to share articles with paywalls - is that what Twitter Blue is?