
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @AliceEvansGruff: You had only just come across us "very minor actors" (thanks) less than a month ago?

I believe you! But something feels wrong.



R to @AliceEvansGruff: I guess if you'd never heard of us you would assume we were 2 very minor actors.

I accept that totally if that is what happened.



R to @Wilderauthor: NOTHING you said babe.

Everybody I know has been complaining about losing followers. The only reason I haven't is because I never look at how many I have in the first place! I'm sure mine have gone down too though.

He's messed up big time. Tesla shares are tumbling.



R to @Sian1972Sian: Eek!

Yeah, probably.

I mean - I can't think of anything worse! But if it paid well! 😂



R to @PeterMa58659996: Aw thank you!

And thank you for saying such nice things about Tone.




R to @TonyEva92385840: I've watched it before, when I was in England.

Ella knows how to get a VPN.

I'll ask her.

What is it on - ITV?



R to @TonyEva92385840: Sounds like he knows he's done in politics so he has to find a way of keeping himself relevant

Thing is it's a bit of a hamster wheel after that - you have to KEEP doing stuff to stay relevant because you don't have another 'biz' career to boost

It's a ballsy move for sure!



R to @BigHairyJack: Lol!
I meant if they were coming round to eat at your house and you wanted to make sure you didn't make them something they don't eat.. that should (hopefully) be answered quite fast!!

I didn't explain it very well! 😂



R to @fatytapas: Wow! Thank you for this. I had no idea something like this existed.