
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


Trying to get ahold of @BookCameo does anyone else have an issue with them? They owe me $2k that I thought I had been paid but hasn't come through.

If this is a mistake @Bookcameo please let me know - it's a holiday w/e and my financial situation is dire.



Aw... I don't want him back. I want him to be honest. And I want his girlfriend to understand that it HURTS when you constantly post pics like this.

I don't care what you think of me. I have been dragged through the s.

PS: more to come.



R to @DHK0120: I have one! It's not doing well and my haters are doing a great job oaf saying I have hidden money.

I don't have a cent.

He has left me with NOTHING



This is another of my favorites.
We were such a great couple. I have no interest in him now, and neither do my kids, but it was such fun for 20 years. I loved him so much!



R to @Kalelismyhero: They want nothing to so with him but our custody agreement is that he sees them for 6 hours each Saturday.

It's been in for for 6 weeks. He has canceled 3 of those.

I know my lawyer will kill me for this but what the fing do? His behavior is unacceptable!



R to @Hawkesybass: What the do? Its 5.19pm.

I am waiting for the signal to pick my kid up from sports.

That's kind of embarrassing for you.



R to @Kalelismyhero: He hates Ella. he makes her feel really bad. He is better with Elsie because elsie doesn't really give a s about anyone. (which I love, because I am the opposite and it has ruined my life!)



R to @Hawkesybass: I'm still asking?

What sort of role model should I be?

A female who gets shat on and keeps her mouth shut about it?

You tell me, big boy..



R to @Hawkesybass: No I am a GREAT role model for my own kids.

My husband isn't

but apparently it's ok for husbands to abandon their families and move on to younger ones!



R to @jessica42145507: Where did you hear I was alienating them?

I'm curious.

They have been interviewed, and neither of them said anything about alienation. just that their father was mean to them and their mother wasn't.

Can you cite your sources, "Jessica Kelly"?



R to @Hawkesybass: You think it's wrong want to make myself feel better after all I've been through?




R to @jessica42145507: "court documents"???

Do you realize they are only my husbands side of it - 80% lies?

if I wanted to (and I do) I could sue him for perjury for telling lies on a court document.

What the f is your issue?



R to @DianaMc53699832: No babe. They love me to pieces.

They love me more than love itself.

I know it would make you happy to think that I would be suffering horrendously that my kids didn't like me but they do.

And you know what - pretty much everyone likes me.

It must be hard for yo!



Hey everybody.
They haters called the police and the police were LOVELY. AMAZING.

They interviewed the kids separately at one point and come back to tell me that the kids loved me to pieces and there were absolutely no signs of abuse.

I invited them into my house. No alcohol