
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @AliceEvansGruff: No drugs no nothing. I was completely sober and they could see that.

Whoever it was who called them to say I was drunk and the kids were being abused BY GOD you should be ashamed of yourselves.

You caused a perfectly happy (and sober) family to get a police visit. Backfired.



If anybody knows who this is, they turned MY plea for help into an attempt to get my kids taken away from me.


I have my thoughts about who it is, and yes you scared my kids. But maybe next time, when you don't know, try staying out of it? PS: THERE IS NO ABUSE. OK?



R to @StuWatts73: Yep. I want to find out who this person is.

it's embarrassing for them anyway, but I was reaching out and they thought they would... do what? Catch me abusing my beloved kids?



THIS is who did it. This is who called the police and woke me up.

If ANYBODY has any idea who did this PLEASE let me know.

And Twitter - PLEASE find out who they are. it's IMPERATIVE to our well-being.



So you call teh police round to my house at 9pm and then you're such a pussy that you do THIS:

Jesus Christ. I am now on a mission to find out who you are. Don't anybody tell me to drop it - I've been harassed ever since my husband started cheating 3 yrs ago. I'm DONE.



R to @mariana057: Mariana - I am in total shock.

Whoever it was was on a mission to get my beautiful kids taken away from me .

But proper LA police came into the house and decided that there were no wrongdoings, no drinking, no drugs and CERTAINLY no abuse.

I hope that will shut the haters up



R to @StuWatts73: I'm thinking about what to do.

I think it comes from the couple I can't mention.



R to @Tulula_T: Thanks.

The police were so nice - they cold see how much the girls loved me and that there was no liquor or drugs and that we were a lovely family (albeit the absent father)

The person who called is going to be found



R to @debmarshall2021: Imagine?

Even if she didn't call them she somehow knew the names and twitter handles to BOTH our lawyers?

That's not normal.



R to @Monroesmydog: I don't know.

I finally ran out of money and asked for help.

It's a three day weekend and I had $26 in my account to feed my kids.

'Somebody' (who has now blocked me) decided that asking for financial help was breaking my restraining order (which is pathetic anyway)



R to @Rubyxox72: OMG....

What is her link to me?
Why does she say I am always lying? I am literally the opposite.
Why is she so obsessed about my life?
She just got my kids INTERROGATED by police officers.
They are ok. They were nice. But WHY?



R to @kateward11: Thank you so much.

Two amaing friends have come to the rescue and Venmo'd/ palpal'd me $300 total.

me and the kids will survive the weekend!

Yaaay! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I think they've hate to be named but thank you so much to ML and AO!!!!



R to @Derbie7: Didn't think to do it immediately but just did now.

It HAS to be a link to XXXX. How else could somebody be SO involved as to send the police round.

I feel SO vindicated. There was NO alcohol. NO drugs My girls said they were perfectly happy and loved being with me. Oh boy..



R to @Monroesmydog: It's a peculiarity of certain states that they allow a "DVRO" to be issued from just 'upset' texts and tweets.

I think it's unfair. It's allowed the ugly haters to call me an abuser which I'm not.

Well, the police certainly didn't think so!❤️❤️❤️



R to @Rubyxox72: You see she says 2 years?

My husband claims he knew his new girlfriend in Australia just over two years ago but didn't bump back into her until July 2021.

2 years... Sounds like a slip!



This person two called social services on me. @jessica42145507
She has been harrassing me for a few days: Her tweets to me are vicious, unkind and untrue.

Please help me find these people.

Hey Jessica - Tuens out I WASN'T drinking or ABUSING!



R to @Mikki1011: Right? Thank you my love.

And how do I sleep at night knowing I am the only safety these poor kids have and for some reason I have a legion of haters trying to put them in care!

I will tis above this. I am a wreck now but thank you to all you kind people.



R to @Doti1208: Thank you so much Dot.

I just need to find who these people are.

They've done it before.

They are either linked to You know Who or they are just batshit haters.

But my poor kids. The police were so nice to them but it's just not fair to them..😭