Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin


Mar 5, 2024
Dikster in reset, let's see how his week paid off. t
No big week for Dicky. Kept banter begging the learning disabled guy though. t


Mar 9, 2024
The Bogs Of Eternal Stench
The host is Paula, Paula is lovely, and actually was more concerned about me stressing myself out than the problem, so personally I have all respect for Paula. I have no idea why CJ put her two pence in, especially bringing up someone who is unwell at the moment, and has taken themselves away from the app, for a break and wasn't respectful of this.Tam, I stand by what I said 100%, and I kept that same opinion towards Tam when I was answering Alex's questions. Tinks can go suck a dick, because angie herself has said about Lynzs kid 😂 she just tried starting something and then made herself look like a proper dickhead when I put her in her place 😂 never will I ever comment on an actual child in a horrible way, and I won't have tinks trying to tell me I did 😂 & then I just had to remind them of things they have said previously on the app and that EVERYONE has had their opinions 😂 but yeah, the host is Paula, and I personally adore her. Thank you for your kind comment, wasnt sure how I portrayed myself, and wanted to back up everything I've said in here, so thank you ❤️
Oh yes, sorry I didn’t mean Paula, there was someone in the main box that was posting pics and memes of people with bad eyebrows whilst you were talking. Not sure who it was? found it uncomfortable and a bit bullying. You did really well love ❤️


Felicity is a two faced, s stirring, gossip runner who tries to hard to fit in, no one actually likes her! She’s like a cling on! She has no thought of her own and flip flops between lives and people’s buisness. She always has a new drama and makes everything about herself. Any situation she will turn and make it about her
I don't know a lot about Felicity but she actually defended CC when mazkeen slated us in the comments. Mazkeen said were basically just a group of twats that cause drama and s stir. Felicity said how hypocritical because it wasn't long ago they were all using CC to have a laugh but as soon as its not what they like to hear they switch. So I'll give her that because she didn't have to defend us.
This is the problem, people will use CC to their gain because we speak our minds and say exactly what we want and they love it when its directed at someone they have issues with, until they come across posts about themselves. I think some people forget we ain't here to fight their battles and we'll also call them out on their sty behaviour. You take the good with the bad.
No big week for Dicky. Kept banter begging the learning disabled guy though. t
Why is his facial features squeezed into 10% of his face? Him and Angie meeting must have been like some weird forehead convention. Good luck on the weekly’s though, Ricksta. Few quid off hair transplant cost there xxx
Mar 15, 2024
I don't know a lot about Felicity but she actually defended CC when mazkeen slated us in the comments. Mazkeen said were basically just a group of twats that cause drama and s stir. Felicity said how hypocritical because it wasn't long ago they were all using CC to have a laugh but as soon as its not what they like to hear they switch. So I'll give her that because she didn't have to defend us.
This is the problem, people will use CC to their gain because we speak our minds and say exactly what we want and they love it when its directed at someone they have issues with, until they come across posts about themselves. I think some people forget we ain't here to fight their battles and we'll also call them out on their sty behaviour. You take the food with the bad.
Oh when did mazekeen say all this? She was all for CC when she was topic of conversation in a positive way... 😂
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