Elon Musk



Going to post about some media that I'm consuming lately

Recently watched The Thirteenth Floor, an unironic hard boiled noir scifi from 1999 that came out at the same time as The Matrix and was thus completely ignored: The Thirteenth Floor (1999) - IMDb

Pretty good.



James Gerde is film maker, photographer and AI generative artist. This video was created with Midjourney using a clip by dancer Manolet Marcos Torreno

[source, more videos: Login • Instagram]



R to @fentasyl: Fission is a great source of electricity. Should not have been demonized.



R to @fentasyl: America went from Nixon calling for 1000 new nuclear plants in 1973

To the unholy alliance of leftists & oil companies completely crushing the industry into dust by 1979

Maybe that's why they feel so existentially guilty about the climate today 🤔



Nuclear Energy is Violence Against Women
Before there was George Floyd, there was Karen Silkwood. Long before BLM, there was NOW.
The beginning of the end for Nuclear Energy was a psyop by the corporate media & wealthy leftists.

In Nov 1974, Silkwood died in a 1-car crash. She had just left her Labor Union Organizing event where she had washed down some Quaaludes with some booze -- the coroner found plenty in her blood & plenty more in her stomach.

Almost immediately, professional activists had made her into a martyr. National Organization for Women (NOW) began organizing idle leftist women around the country.

In Aug 1975, at their rally in front of the DOJ in DC, NOW president Karen Decrow made it clear why they were against Nuclear Energy:
>“there is no better example of violence against women than the Silkwood case.”

This psyop would, in 1983, become a big-budget Hollywood film, with a top director & star Cher, Meryl Streep, and Kurt Russell

Silkwood was co-written by:
- Nora Ephron (then recently divorced from Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame)
- Alice Arlen (then sister-in-law of future Clinton Sec State Madeleine Albright)
Small world, huh?

There were plenty of Karen Silkwood rallies and riots in the intervening years...

>"On November 13th, the first anniversary of Silkwood's death, NOW proclaimed "Karen Silkwood Memorial Day.""
>"Four days later 300 nuclear critics from the Ralph Nader-sponsored Critical Mass Conference in Washington held a candlelight vigil in Silkwood's memory on the steps of Capitol Hill. Bill Silkwood, Karen's father, addressed the gathering."
>"That same weekend the media began to resurrect the Silkwood controversy. Major-length features appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, Washington Star and San Francisco Chronicle, and shorter articles were printed in the Washington Post and New York Times."

>"About 400 demonstrators gathered yesterday at the Civic Plaza in Albuquerque, N.M., for a rally against nuclear wastes." ... "The Albuquerque rally was one of 125 rallies held across the country in memory of Miss Silkwood"

>"More than 250 people gathered at the Karen Silkwood Memorial Rally in Boston" ... "Anti-nuclear activists, union organizers, feminists, and a Nobel laureate joined in the commemoration of Silkwood"

>"About 150 people gathered in Lafayette Square Park across from the White House today at a memorial rally for Karen Silkwood." ... "The rally, sponsored by the anti‐nuclear group Potomac Alliance, was held in conjunction with Silkwood Memorial Week, nine days of activities across the country."

But if you want to know more, perhaps start with Kitty Tucker.
Kitty was the primary leader of the Silkwood campaign (run from the wealthy suburbs of DC).
On her death, she got some nice accolades from WaPo and NYT.

Or check out this extremely comprehensive blogpost of newspaper articles from the time.



The problems faced by black Americans today stem more from freedom than oppression. Pitying groups based on their identity is a way of putting & keeping them down. This 5 min clip of @GlennLoury is exciting in its compact brilliance



R to @Scobleizer: Tesla is prioritizing safety over comfort for FSD beta. As we become confident in the former, the latter will follow.



The Tesla FSD beta 11.4.2 that I got last night fixed two permanent mistakes on my school route.

But it still has several more to fix.

Then we get into trust.

How will you learn to trust it at 85 mph next to a wall on curves? With your family in the car?

I study how many times per drive do I feel terror or shame.

The number is going down.

But to earn our trust it must not terrorize us on any drive.

The thing with AI to watch is the rate of improvement.

I sense Tesla’s AI is speeding up as it has fewer mistakes to fix. Will need another update or two to validate my theory.

If you want to see how good it is watch @WholeMarsBlog’s latest videos. Some of which terrorize me.

Call me soft. :)



RT by @elonmusk: Dagan Shani has IMHO made the most important film of the year - about the harsh #AI truth: