J.K. Rowling



R to @PippyBing: True. He was a wonderful human being as well as being extremely talented. Very funny, very clever, and always there for friends. His funeral was simultaneously one of the most inspiring and most heartbreaking I've ever attended.



R to @jk_rowling: John McClane has just ejected himself from a cockpit and is now safely back on the ground, smoking and saying 'at least I'm thinking, goddammit.'
Husband: 'ok, it's a little farfetched.'



R to @cramer_gerrit: I accept that it's no more farfetched than him managing to grab the edge of that air vent when he was falling down the lift shaft in Die Hard 1.



R to @jk_rowling: Holly's come down the chute to embrace John.
Husband: 'true story, this.'
I suspect this has been an extended trolling exercise.



R to @quantick: He says that every year. The kids back him up. I could recite the screenplay for Die Hard 1 in my sleep.



RT by @jk_rowling: Every Friday, people of #Zahedan gather to chant against this child-murdering regime and its ruthless rulers. Look at their sheer number. This regime must go




R to @Lord_Voldyyyy: Happy birthday, Voldy. Should have acknowledged you first. My apologies.



R to @advoc_8: Thank you! I’ll ask him about the attic when he returns from driving a new year’s guest home through the snow!