J.K. Rowling



Wishing you and all your fellow Ukranians a much happier new year
💙💛 #SlavaUkraini



Save #MehdiMohammadifard! He's 18 years old and has been sentenced to execution purely for demonstrating against an oppressive regime. #IranRevolution2023



I know I should be out in the fresh air and the beautiful snowy landscape, but is there anything better than bashing out thousands of words - not all of which are crap - in a single sitting because your brain's on fire and you've got to get the story down fast? No, there isn't.



R to @jk_rowling: Days like this, where writing's a pure rush, make up for all those where you're rewriting and revising and trying to make gold out of what you fear might be lead (and sometimes is). Of course, I'll have to revise everything I've done in the last seven hours, but who cares?



R to @jk_rowling: I think I remember most of the days this has happened to me. I wrote Harry's first ever Quidditch match in a single afternoon and barely changed it afterwards. You feel elated afterwards, as though something took you over for a while, then dropped you back to earth.