J.K. Rowling



RT by @jk_rowling: This is rumbling on. Couple of inaccurate comments from this chap (unsure how he thinks he knows so much about my constituency as no Labour leader has been there since I became an MP?). Also, no, I haven't been in to see Keir Starmer 'a number of times', once - in September 2021.



Rosie Duffield, an ex-assistant teacher, single mother and survivor of domestic abuse, won @UKLabour a seat they thought was unwinnable. Post-Corbyn, she was returned to parliament with an increased majority.

This is how Labour repays her.



RT by @jk_rowling: Video captured November 15: a defenseless woman is beaten by an armed oppressor in Tehran. "This man attacked pedestrians without any reason, and when this woman stood her ground, he kicked and punched her and told her to run away."



RT by @jk_rowling: Can the very next journalist who interviews Nicola Sturgeon please ask her about this.



Men defining what a woman is, what women should and shouldn’t fear, what women should and shouldn’t say, what rights women should be fine with giving up and, of course, what constitutes ‘real’ misogyny: get a bloody mirror. That’s real misogyny, looking right back at you.



R to @bindelj: That distant sound you can hear is an army of Twiglet munchers (not a euphemism) marching steadily towards you.



R to @epileptic_me: I’m so happy you’re getting treatment at the ARC! They’re truly wonderful there. This comes with lots of love and hope that remission’s right round the corner. ❤️



RT by @jk_rowling: “When you shot me from a two meters distance & smiled, did you think I would survive & answer your smile?!” Says @GhazalRanjkesh, who lost an eye to pellet bullets during the protests in Iran. Incredible strength. Powerful photo. #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution



🧵I'm reading the transcript of the tribunal of Mermaids v LGB Alliance. It's a bit mind-blowing, seeing some of the answers set down in black and white. 1/



R to @jk_rowling: Take this, from Mermaids Chair of Trustees Dr Belinda Bell: 'Well, you see, I'm not clear [people] come out of the womb with a sex, to be honest.' 2/



R to @jk_rowling: Also Dr Belinda Bell, on the overrepresentation of gay boys and girls at gender clinics. 'I wouldn't agree that that's necessarily a worry that we don't understand. There's a lot in the world that I don't understand.' 3/



R to @jk_rowling: Dr Belinda Bell again. "We don't give advice on medical stuff... it's not part of what we do, very explicitly." See just two of the former CEO's tweets. 4/



R to @jk_rowling: Btw, here's GIDS whistleblower Dr Kirsty Entwistle: "Pressure from families for medication grew. Those who’d connected with Mermaids were terrified, because they’d been told that their child was going to kill themselves if they didn’t get blockers.” 5/



R to @jk_rowling: Dr Bell yet again: Mermaids 'don't engage with' the Gender Identity Development Service (ie, medical clinic), but also engage with them about once a year. 6/



R to @jk_rowling: Can a charity representing gay, lesbian and bisexual people be criticised for pointing out that puberty blockers may lead to life-changing consequences? Dr Bell: 'Well, yes, but it might lead to a - you know, I don't know, falling off the planet or something - whatever.' 7/



So: in @NicolaSturgeon’s Scotland, trans women AREN’T women if they’re convicted double rapists, like Adam ‘Isla Bryson’ Graham. 1/4