J.K. Rowling



R to @Hishui91: I'd love to see your proof that I call for the execution of trans people, because I know you wouldn't make a very serious allegation like that if it were untrue. If you could get said proof to me before Monday, that would be very helpful. 😘



The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment has something to say to @NicolaSturgeon about locking women in with convicted rapists and other male-bodied sex offenders.



Female ex-prisoner in Scotland describes the daily reality of being forced to share shower areas and cells with trans women convicted of domestic abuse and murder. This is the very definition of cruel and degrading punishment.



R to @jk_rowling: A woman lived in justified terror of violence and a because she'd been locked in with a male murderer and a male abuser of women. She had an invasive medical procedure she didn't want in case she was made pregnant against her will. 'Literally nothing happened.'



R to @ChevellePhreak: one short step below 'it was a slap, not a punch. That's not real violence.'



R to @jk_rowling: A 'she-problem': women being terrified of being locked up with male rapists, murderers and domestic abusers. This, you compare this to your irrational fear of spiders.



RT by @jk_rowling: This is also happening the US:

An inmate describes personally seeing the a of another female inmate by a trans-identified male.

The victim was ‘barely conscious,’ and less than one hour later, she was taken out of her cell on a stretcher.



But @NicolaSturgeon's made it very clear that every woman's group and safeguarding expert raising concerns about her supposedly progressive agenda is a bigot. What can possibly have changed? Surely not her cast iron principles?



R to @catturd2: Your kindness helps more than you can know. I'm just grateful someone cared enough to give me the wake up call I needed. 🙏



RT by @jk_rowling: For the crime of dancing, these two young Iranians have been sentenced to 10 years and 6 months in prison.
#AstiyazhHaghighi 21 & #AmirMohammadAhmadi,
22 danced in the streets in support of #WomanLifeFreedom revolution in Iran.
They don’t deserve such brutality.



R to @lnmackenzie1: I don't know about you lot, but I'd find constantly being told I've never done anything for women or children in my life less funny if it wasn't coming from people who seem to yelling 'bigot' on Twitter makes them humanitarian relief workers.



R to @lnmackenzie1: Golf clubs are notoriously full of feminists. I heard Spare Rib was started in the bar at the Royal Burgess.



I don't know about you, but excluding women from women's prisons just because they've got penises, male pattern baldness and have committed a couple of rapes seems awfully TERFy to me.