J.K. Rowling



'Sturgeon’s opponents are wholly entitled to scream “We told you so”. Because they did and then they were treated as though they must be bigots. And so, here we are. What a disgrace it all is.' ✍️@alexmassie



RT by @jk_rowling: You’re not required to buy it. The truth is the truth whether you buy it or not. The planet is round even if you don’t buy that and insist it’s flat.



RT by @jk_rowling: My message to Iran’s regime who hired 3 criminals to kill me on US soil is clear; I don't want to talk to them. I want to see them on the international court. But I have a clear message to president Biden”.
Please hear and pass it to the administration.



RT by @jk_rowling: In an exclusive interview w/@CNN, #AshkanMorovati explained the backstory to the viral video where he is seen encircled by nearly a dozen security forces “I went there to tell them to stand by the people and make compromises with people," he told @JomanaCNN



RT by @jk_rowling: To those who think Iran’s uprising is over and Iranians have given up, behold the enormous courage of political prisoner Farhad Meysami. He’s been on a 4-month hunger strikes against the execution of political prisoners & forced hejab. Iranians knows that history is one our side.



R to @StuartJRitchie: What wonderful news, Stuart, congratulations! Welcome to the world, Juliet! ❤️



RT by @jk_rowling: Here we go... hitting play on #TroubledBlood in 3... 2... 1...



Last year, I received a long, thoughtful letter from @Meganphelps, inviting me to take part in a personal, in-depth discussion with her about the issues that have interested me in recent years. 1/3



R to @jk_rowling: Megan proposed bringing in other voices, and looking at the wider picture, bringing her own unique viewpoint as a former fundamentalist who’s dedicated her life over the past decade to difficult conversations. 2/3



R to @jk_rowling: I agreed to sit down with Megan because, having read her wonderful book, Unfollow, I thought the two of us could have a real, interesting, two-sided conversation that might prove constructive. You can listen and find out for yourself here: The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling



RT by @jk_rowling: Last year @jk_rowling responded to a letter I wrote her. I’d asked if she’d be part of a conversation seeking to understand her perspective and those of her critics.

The result is a new audio series from @thefp:

My essay: The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling



RT by @jk_rowling: #APPEAL | We are increasingly concerned about the welfare of 13-year-old Mariama, who has been #missing since 9 February. She was last seen around East Street in Walworth, London. If you have any info please contact the Met quoting reference 23MIS004519.



RT by @jk_rowling: Walking hand-in-hand for freedom.

The Islamic Republic of Iran will be toppled by Iranian people. We will celebrate our victory.




RT by @jk_rowling: I was hit this morning.

My injuries are permanent.

I've lost part of my hand and have scarring on my face.

We won the battle, though.

And here was my message in the immediate aftermath.