J.K. Rowling



There are multiple videos of Kellie-Jay being assaulted. Women have become used to lies, threats of violence and outright denial of reality, but if you imagine anyone feels 'defeated', think again. Your men's rights activists showed the world exactly who they are. #LetWomenSpeak



RT by @jk_rowling: They are. I get to leave the worst place for women I’ve ever visited and they live there. I will forever be indebted to them. We will not stop fighting until they are safe to live in their own land. I’m so sorry I couldn’t do more.



RT by @jk_rowling: "Queer" was never joyous.

It wasn't joyous when my fellow gay men were being beaten to death by homophobes screaming the word at them.

And it isn't joyous now when it is used by men who beat women up and the corporations that support them.



The most comfortable place for women to stand has always been where there's most male approval. Such women sell out other women for their own benefit, then point to their personal success as a great feminist triumph.



R to @francesweetman: But we have each other. We fought this s before, we'll fight it again. x



After the repellent scenes from New Zealand, in which a mob assaulted women speaking up for their rights, #TheLesbianProject is being intimidated and threatened in the UK, right now.



“Men often react to women’s words—speaking and writing—as if they were acts of violence; sometimes men react to women’s words with violence...Most women have experienced enough dominance from men—control, violence, insult, contempt—that no threat seems empty.” Andrea Dworkin



RT by @jk_rowling: I always thought it would be the Trump supporters who would end up beating feminists in the streets. But no. It's progressives.

What a colossal waste of time the past twenty years of my political activism has been.



RT by @jk_rowling: No one will ever believe your crocodile tears again. You’re not oppressed. You’re not in fear for your life. You’re bullying and intimidating women who don’t buy your anti-science, anti-reason mantras and male entitlement. You’ve shown the world your true colours. We see you.



We've all met 'progressive' men who think male violence against women they don't agree with is a right old laugh. What's new is seeing them being this open about it.

Maybe Humza will let you write his gags if you manage to get him elected, @AustinRSheridan.



RT by @jk_rowling: V. concerning that in last few weeks, physical, political + online violence has intensified against #women asserting sex-based needs +spaces in several countries. Even where one may disagree with their views,that shouldn’t translate into a green light to threaten and attack them



RT by @jk_rowling: THIS happened to a 70yo woman at the Auckland Let Women Speak event. Punched repeatedly by a male trans activist as she tried to get past.

The 'be kind' crowd is even trying to justify this. Where is the media reporting on this violence against women?



R to @AustinRSheridan: The laughing emoji, the sly smirk emoji and the mention of 'transphobes', a mere forty-eight hours after a highly publicised mass attack on women, at which at least one was punched, absolutely confirm that this was entirely about your desire for tomato soup, Austin.



R to @jk_rowling: However, you could always tweet again, denouncing the trans activists who punched and assaulted the women speaking up for their rights and point out that their violence is one of the reasons women fear their presence in our single sex spaces.🤷‍♀️