J.K. Rowling



RT by @jk_rowling: Dancing in Isfahan, Iran…
There is no going back.

#IranRevolution #WomanLifeFreedom



Can't wait for the Guardian columns denouncing the British Communist Party as far-right.



I really hope that doesn’t give the film Adult Human Female even more publicity. That would be dreadful. Although good job on not letting slip that people can watch it on YouTube.



R to @jk_rowling: Owen Jones versus actual communists is the top quality Twitter content I’m here for.



RT by @jk_rowling: 100,s or even more of Iranian Twitter accounts were suspended recently. It’s not acceptable that the real criminals like @khamenei_ir who order the killings of 1000s of Iranians, roam free on Twitter but those who merely use strong language are suspended.
We are in the middle of a revolution where more than 22000 innocent protesters were arrested, 50 of them received death sentence, 5 of them were hanged, women facing a in prison and school girls were the target of chemical attack. @Twitter must kick out our killers not iranian dissidents.



RT by @jk_rowling: His name is Zaniar Tondro and he is only 18 years old. In Iran's popular protests, IRGC officers shot him in the face, blinded him in one eye, and his other eye is in danger of also going blind. He has 14 pellets in his head. One of the pellets damaged his brain and paralyzed the left side of his body. His family secretly took him by boat from Turkey to Greece, but the Greek government held their boat for 48 hours and did not allow them to enter. They were then returned to Turkey and are now in custody and at risk of deportation to Iran. Zaniar needs urgent help. I ask the leaders of Western countries to help Zaniar's dire situation and issue him a medical visa. Issuing visas for wounded Iranian protesters can be part of the support from Western countries for the revolution of #WomanLifeFreedom in Iran.



Very excited to announce that after a long stretch of being Literally Hitler I've become Ideologically Stalin.

With luck, hard work and your continued support, I believe I can make Vlad the Impaler by Christmas.



R to @suzanne_moore: "These gentlemen think that when they have changed the names of things they have changed the things themselves. This is how these profound thinkers mock at the whole world." Engels



RT by @jk_rowling: People dance during an air raid alarm in a subway station in Kyiv, Ukraine, March 1, 2023. The 🇺🇦 spirit!
Video: vadimghirda



RT by @jk_rowling: Had around 11K views of the film in less than 24 hours - big thanks to @jk_rowling for that & also our friends at @ucuedinburgh 👏for showing so clearly how dangerous the trans ideology is to academic freedom and education.



.@RosieDuffield1 won @UKLabour a seat thought to be unwinnable and increased her majority after Corbyn left as leader. Now she's bullied, smeared and hung out to dry, all because she stood up for the rights of women and girls. #LabourLosingWomen



RT by @jk_rowling: The silence from so many in @UKLabour surrounding the harassment and smearing of @RosieDuffield1 is utterly shameful. It sends a very clear message about the sincerity of any commitments to challenging misogyny.



RT by @jk_rowling: I support my Labour colleague @RosieDuffield1. Her mainstream views on women's rights are in tune with the public. Hardworking, principled, strong as titanium, she's exactly the kind of @UKLabour MP the country demands. Integrity = electoral success.



RT by @jk_rowling: I see my friend & comrade @RosieDuffield1 is being bullied & harassed again from within her own party. When will political parties who aspire to govern accept that the #EqualityAct applies to them & discrimination on the grounds of belief is unlawful?