J.K. Rowling



RT by @jk_rowling: Storks are back in Ukraine. We caught them feasting next to a tractor somewhere around Uman on our way from Kherson. In Ukraine, storks are a symbol of rebirth, reinvention, and family protection. Very much what we need in Ukraine now.



RT by @jk_rowling: The Director of the Belgian Center for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBAM) Dr. Patrik Vankrunkelsven has joined a growing list of experts who are criticizing the highly medicalized "gender-affirming" treatment approach for minors with gender dysphoria as not evidence-based. /1



“We cannot possibly adjust enough to please the fanatics, and it is degrading to make the attempt.” Christopher Hitchens



RT by @jk_rowling: Remember when April Fool's day used to be the pretext for affectionate ribbing, rather than outright harassment and lies under the pretext of humour?



RT by @jk_rowling: Wangari Maathai was the first female professor in Kenya and the first African woman to be awarded the #NobelPeacePrize.

Born on this day, she was a committed environmentalist and founded the Green Belt Movement, which led to the planting of millions of trees.



Entertained by the idea that women who assert the importance of biological sex are talking in ‘largely academic terms.’ Isn’t ‘lived experience’ the gold standard before which all other data must bow? Or is it only possible for a woman to experience her life if she’s got a penis?



In the interests of balance, someone should now ask women how they define Chris Hipkins.



RT by @jk_rowling: The Gay Men's Network stands with women exercising the right to unimpeded pollical assembly and free speech. Modern homophobia and misogyny are linked and the GMN stands against forces promoting both. Without sex, there is no same sex attraction.



RT by @jk_rowling: Politicians aren’t refusing to define what a woman is out of fear of retaliation from women. They’re fearful of the reaction of men.

The same men they think should be in female spaces.



RT by @jk_rowling: This shocking video shows morality police in Shandiz city pours yogurt over the head of these mother and daughter, for the crime of not wearing mandatory hijab. In response, Iranian men got united and threw the harasser out of the store.
Iranian’s are fed up with this gender apartheid regime.




You may scoff, but my own husband’s interest in me was first awakened by watching me ricochet haphazardly off a door frame for half an hour before he came to assist me.



R to @kathrynspet: That’s made my week! Really hope you like #7, which will be out later this year.



The Cuckoo’s Calling (the first Strike book) was published ten years ago today! Thank you to @LittleBrownUK for taking on the unknown Robert Galbraith and every reader who’s helped make the books bestsellers. The seventh, The Running Grave, will be out later this year!



Progressive Scotland 2023, where a man gets no jail time for raping a 13-year-old girl in a park. Young Scottish men are effectively being told ‘first time’s free.’ Sobbing child rapist who attacked girl, 13, walks free from court



R to @Lindsay3668: It is, the TV series is wonderful and our leads are perfect!