J.K. Rowling



R to @heartofechos: DM your dream journal and favourite brand of breakfast cereal and I'll send some affirmations 👍



RT by @jk_rowling: Labour MP Rosie Duffield raises “staggering” scale of a and sexual assaults which takes place in hospital settings

PM Rishi Sunak says he’s “deeply shocked and appalled to hear about the cases of sexual assault and abuse in the NHS”

#PMQs https://bbc.in/43HV87M



RT by @jk_rowling: This is serious @gmpolice @AndyBurnhamGM male DJ, identifying as woman, is talking about murdering women who disagree with him & his friends. Even worse, we've just learnt he has joined
@WomensInstitute This is a catastrophic event waiting to happen & he's telling us. Act now!



RT by @jk_rowling: A few days ago Ali Khamenei threatened women by announcing that if they take off their hijabs, they will be guilty of haram acts. After that, the commander of the police force threatened to identify and arrest the unveiled women. In response, Iranian women took off their hijabs and posted pictures of it on their social media pages. #WomanLifeFreedom



RT by @jk_rowling: Two Iranian school girls ask for help from the international community regarding the chemical attack on their schools,

“We need the global community to be our voice or the Islamist will succeed in wiping off our existence from society.”




RT by @jk_rowling: ‘Favaro has become a victim of the very problem she was hoping to solve. But anyone with the guts to do this research in the first place is obviously courageous… “I am fighting for my data, and to get it published,” Favaro tells me. “I will not give up.”’ Did City Uni censor my gender research?



Dreadful news, which I feel duty bound to share. Activists in my mentions are trying to organise yet another boycott of my work, this time of the Harry Potter TV show. As forewarned is forearmed, I've taken the precaution of laying in a large stock of champagne.



R to @UKHedonismBot: What are any of us on Twitter for, if not for a load of se that makes us laugh?



R to @joosefulubiano: Honestly, that's at least 50% of the reason I wanted to do it.



R to @kasstl1: I actually don't like champagne much. It's one of the things Strike and I have in common. That, and our love of B&H (22 and a half years since I had one)



R to @PhilJonesy3: Cheers, Phil. If you've got anything you fancy donating to the car boot sale, it'd be much appreciated.



R to @RedFoxIcy: Ah, hearing that Harry was some child's first chapter book never, ever gets old. Send him my love!



R to @saltwithoutpepa: Wait, WHAT? Are we triplets? Or do we have to fight for her? Because honestly, my jousting days are over.