J.K. Rowling



Used to think I wanted just name and dates on my gravestone, but 'vituperative giga-troll' would really make me stand out in the cemetery.



R to @JournoStephen: Not sure what they mean by 'de facto', though. I mean, the Global Transphobic Cult isn't the SNP. I'm sure there's a proper process.



R to @theneonrequiem: How do you even sleep at night, Rudy, what have you become, do you not realise this tweet has quite literally killed millions etc etc etc



R to @JournoStephen: Exactly. Very vague. Iron command over the cult members cannot be achieved without a legally binding contract clearly setting out my right to punish and coerce at will. I also want full insurance to cover me in case of any discipline-related manslaughter claims.



R to @varindeus: Wish they'd said it back when I still needed a CV. I suppose it'd have to go under Hobbies.



Say what you like about gender identity ideology, you can't deny it's attracted some of the world's greatest thinkers.



R to @francesweetman: People keep telling me about the banana. I had no need or wish to know about the banana.



RT by @jk_rowling: Watch. The. Entire. Thing.

Transitioning children is one of the most egregious crimes in American medical history.



R to @DreyfusJames: It was a first draft, James. The final tweet was going to read "sylph-like genius".



I was heartbroken to hear the dreadful news of Christine Baker's death. She was a publishing great and a wonderful friend to me and to Harry Potter. My thoughts are with her family, friends and everyone at @GallimardJeun.



RT by @jk_rowling: Argentinian artist Marta Minujín's monumental replica of the Greek Parthenon created with 100,000 copies of banned books, to symbolizes resistance to political repression and the dangers of suppressing free speech #WomensArt



RT by @jk_rowling: Horrifying. People in the West really need to pause and consider WTF they are doing and supporting with this.

The reality is so vile that even advocates rely purely on euphemisms and fluffy language to get around it.



R to @DreyfusJames: Then let me state for the record that this portly sylph-like disgrace of a genius is a friend of mine. We're joking. The original poster is one of the many imposters who've sprung up since the Great Blue Tick Revolution.