J.K. Rowling



R to @MeMyselfOnline: I know it’s cords. It should be chords, is all I’m saying.



RT by @jk_rowling: This week’s column is about women and the thought police. When they can’t find an incriminating quote to damn you for, they’ll accuse you of Wrongthink



R to @the_Limberlost: A very lovely person gave me a ring saying Wimpund. I wear it often.



As @PatrickStrud has blocked me on here (we've never, to my knowledge, interacted on Twitter or anywhere else) I can't challenge him directly about the claim he published in iNews (see below) that a Let Women Speak event in Australia 'staged a mass Nazi salute'. This is a lie so brazen, so easily disprovable and so libellous, I'm amazed it was allowed it into print by a supposedly reputable news source.

For years now, women and gay people concerned about the erosion of their rights, the dismantling of safeguarding and the escalating threats and violence of trans activists have been called 'fascists' and 'Nazis' by people like Strudwick for holding what, until five minutes ago, were solidly left-wing/feminist political positions.

Nobody but useful idiots can be genuinely surprised that REAL fascists have spotted a glorious opportunity in trans activism. The homophobic, anti-feminist far-right has long held that the left is degenerate, foolish, immoral and authoritarian, and now they can point to the incoherent arguments of the gender ideologues, the bullying tactics of the no-platformers and the swarms of masked men threatening violence against women for wanting to retain single-sex spaces, and crow 'we told you so'.

Actual Nazis have turned up on the fringes of Let Women Speak events for exactly the same reason aggressive, narcissistic trans activists are there. These groups closely resemble each other. Both are rife with misogynistic opportunists who're using a clash of rights to push their own agendas, both are there in the hope of violence, and neither gives a damn about the women who're there to speak out in their own voices, about their own lives, on their own behalf. It's high time those peddling lies like Strudwick's are held accountable and I sincerely hope @ThePosieParker takes action.



R to @JohnJamesNI: The women who call a survivors Nazis for wanting penis-free spaces make my skin crawl, too. This whole debacle has been a fiesta of skin crawling.



As @PatrickStrud has blocked me on here (we've never, to my knowledge, interacted on Twitter or anywhere else) I can't challenge him directly about the claim he published in iNews (see below) that a Let Women Speak event in Australia 'staged a mass Nazi salute'. This is a lie so brazen, so easily disprovable and so libellous, I'm amazed it was allowed into print by a supposedly reputable news source.

For years now, women and gay people concerned about the erosion of their rights, the dismantling of safeguarding and the escalating threats and violence of trans activists have been called 'fascists' and 'Nazis' by people like Strudwick for holding what, until five minutes ago, were solidly left-wing/feminist political positions.

Nobody but useful idiots can be genuinely surprised that REAL fascists have spotted a glorious opportunity in trans activism. The homophobic, anti-feminist far-right has long held that the left is degenerate, foolish, immoral and authoritarian, and now they can point to the incoherent arguments of the gender ideologues, the bullying tactics of the no-platformers and the swarms of masked men threatening violence against women for wanting to retain single-sex spaces, and crow 'we told you so'.

Actual Nazis have turned up on the fringes of Let Women Speak events for exactly the same reason aggressive, narcissistic trans activists are there. These groups closely resemble each other. Both are rife with misogynistic opportunists who're using a clash of rights to push their own agendas, both are there in the hope of violence, and neither gives a damn about the women who're there to speak out in their own voices, about their own lives, on their own behalf. It's high time those peddling lies like Strudwick's are held accountable and I sincerely hope @ThePosieParker takes action.



R to @Ron4California: When you assert that something happened that demonstrably didn't happen, it can't be defended as an opinion. It's a lie.



RT by @jk_rowling: I'm a middle aged woman in Melbourne & helped organise this event. We had multiple zoom calls, site visits, spirited debates about how the event would be safely managed. The word Nazi was never mentioned. This is absolutely slanderous and a repugnant slur on everyday women