J.K. Rowling



R to @FKASerioJosh: I’m about to start writing after a night of broken sleep. Let’s check notes on productivity at the end of the day.



"Elinor agreed to it all, for she did not think he deserved the compliment of rational opposition.” - Sense and Sensibility



R to @lynda_coote: The last page of a Tale of Two Cities is one of the few I can't read, even on its own, without crying.



R to @KymOShea1: One for the ages, but particularly the age we're passing through now.



R to @RosarybeadJones: So beautiful. Middlemarch has got so many lines and scenes that linger in my memory. Eliot was a genius at evoking visual images.



R to @Ankis1988: I read that aged thirteen and I remember a) gasping and b) the hair on the back of my neck standing up.



R to @happyrachy: Good old Robert. He could have written that line about times in my life.



R to @SarahJaneOmega: I've just finished writing a chapter and this makes me very happy indeed. Thank you x



R to @Jakkiell: And Alcott was so angry at having to marry Jo off, she gave her a husband she knew none of her Laurie-loving fans would like.



R to @JillBorland: Sooooo many brilliant Wodehouse lines. One of my very favourites is “It is never difficult to distinguish between with a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine.”



R to @Liberalbstard: I used to write lines like that just to relieve my feelings.



R to @_Partta_: Robin mounts a defence in the book, though I admit Strike's not convinced.



R to @jk_rowling: Josh is a darling and provides endless laughs with his tweets ❤️



R to @jk_rowling: I’m honestly shook to my very core. I’ve been sat at my desk since half eight and I haven’t logged in yet. I cannot believe it