J.K. Rowling



R to @jk_rowling: 😂😂 We will do better! This month I’ll send an extra 10% to cover the last. It’s a recession out here boo, but the LGB will do our part for the queen. 😂



R to @jk_rowling: And I'm still waiting for the four word mantra you command we all repeat endlessly in lieu of critical thinking. The most procrastinating cult leader I've ever sworn eternal worship to.



R to @peakedspeak: Best offer I've had so far. You're now second in command of the cult and when I ascend to heaven, you get my fifty-two husbands (whether you want them or not) and the prophecies I've written in Pig Latin on a matchbox I've lost.



R to @jk_rowling: I can do £1 and last night's leftovers. Be grateful, they're damn good leftovers.



R to @KristofferPhilp: This is so disappointing, Kristoffer. Just when we'd got rid of all your Engrams, too.



R to @jk_rowling: Sorry it was you or Disney+ 🤷🏼‍♂️ and I just got sucked back into my yearly Grey’s Anatomy binge, give me two months and I’ll sign back up 😂



R to @fem_mb: Tithing is the whole basis of my cult, Jennifer, and don't pretend you didn't know, because I wrote out the cheque myself for you to sign, but I seem to remember your pen 'didn't work.' #excommunicated



R to @jk_rowling: Wait, we were supposed to tithe?

I knew I was doing something wrong. I've been terfing all over the place for several years and I still haven't been rewarded with untold wealth or power. 🤦‍♀️



R to @jk_rowling: Apologies , the 10% of my earnings every month is going to “Naked Wines”. I can’t afford cult membership on top of that 😂



RT by @jk_rowling: After weeks of investigation, I am extremely heartened to report that we have rescued six more Yazidi women who were taken captive by ISIS.

The women were still children and teenagers when they were first taken captive in 2014. Trafficked out of Iraq and onto Syria, they were rescued on Saturday morning.

They have been flown back to Erbil where they will be reunited with their families, and offered all the psychosocial support they need.

This rescue wouldn’t have been possible without the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, @IKRPresident. By setting up an office dedicated to rescuing kidnapped Yazidi women and girls, he has helped many of them escape ISIS captivity.

Rescuing trafficked and enslaved Yazidi women and children is an on-going humanitarian campaign and the reunification of these six women with their families, after nearly nine years, gives us hope that more can be found.

We will continue to search for the remaining women and children who we know are still missing. In this endeavor, we are asking for help with international partners.

Between us we can and we must bring more kidnapped women home.



RT by @jk_rowling: My talk at the @OxfordUnion is now online (NB edited to omit the protest during the talk, a few minutes in - which is fine by me because I'd rather viewers focused on the actual arguments we were having). You can watch here