J.K. Rowling



R to @jk_rowling: When you first posted I didn't read it. instead I said how disappointed I was in you to my friends. About 6 months later, after seeing things that made me start questioning, I read it and found I completely agreed. Thank you for speaking up & sorry for not reading it right away.



RT by @jk_rowling: The Morality Police confiscated her car because she was not wearing the mandatory hijab . Her defiant response, “They cannot stop us by such appalling actions. We’re not afraid. They took my car away, Now I am walking, still without a hijab continuing our fight.” #WomanLifeFreedom



RT by @jk_rowling: For daring to say that children should not be prescribed irreversible and harmful puberty blockers, I was expelled from my Masters’ degree.

As of yesterday, it is official NHS England policy.

Yet, I remain expelled.

Cancel culture is real. It must be stopped.



R to @RTHG82: Are you more upset that I’m not currently in need of hospitalisation, or that I care about women having safety, privacy and dignity when they’re at their most vulnerable, Ross?



R to @jk_rowling: More concerned with saving lives. Besides when was the last time you used the NHS.



R to @jk_rowling: I am more concerned with the NHS saving lives. The staff are overrun under resourced. The priority is having enough beds. That is the key priority. Not ideals but practical matters of health. Women like men wish to be in hospital as soon as possible and out as quickly.



R to @francesweetman: Every man who supports this should be asked, ‘have you always been keen on removing safeguarding for women and girls, or did you get interested when an ideology came along that gave you cover?’ IMO, most are in the first group. They just couldn’t say it.



R to @francesweetman: The men advocating women be subject to all manner of violations alarm me more than the women in some ways. It’s so blatant they’re happy to use any women as cannon-fodder. What happened to chivalry? Common decency?



R to @RTHG82: You don’t think females needing intimate care should feel safe receiving it? Or that women self-excluding themselves from medical care, on religious grounds of because of past trauma, is any kind of issue? And the 6500 rapes that have happened in UK hospitals over a 4 year period - not a biggie? It’s overly idealistic to care about these things, is it?



R to @jk_rowling: So women can only be treated by other women? Again even assuming that was even what was wanted how would it be done. With respect you see the world from the perspective of abundance in time and resources. The NHS connot afford to see the world in such idealised terms.



R to @dobleplusungood: This has been a litmus test for decency in men like none I've ever seen before.