J.K. Rowling



R to @Jozinhagirl: I hear some women saying 'they don't understand' - five minutes ago a lot of these men understood enough to parrot feminist lines about consent and a culture. Now they're telling women they don't have the right to male-free spaces or female-only care. The masks have dropped.



R to @jk_rowling: Lots of women do ask this exact question of men who seem to be in support of this. But then it's just crickets chirping.....



R to @ImWatson91: Now you suggest it, I'm tempted to pen a few verses and have them bound in velvet for a few dear friends.



Man: no definition needed.
Non-man (formerly known as woman):
a being definable only by reference to the male. An absence, a vacuum where there's no man-ness.



RT by @jk_rowling: ***BREAKING***

Women no longer exist in law in the state of Queensland

Any man can now fill in a form and be recognised in law as a “woman” - entitled to avail themselves of female sports, spaces & resources

Sex self-id has passed in the legislature

For shame



R to @DutchLGB: None of us are responsible for the actions of those who share a few characteristics with us. I went into this with my eyes open, I knew what was coming and it's certainly not your fault that it came! You owe me no apologies at all - and I'm truly glad about the magic ❤️



R to @jk_rowling: @jk_rowling ,you alone put so much needed magic for so many children through your books. You saved more children from a bleak existence with your pen that I think it compensates for much much more than hurt feelings of a few delusional people. You certainly saved mine. /a gay man



Dear @jk_rowling,

For a really long time now I've been thinking about apologising to you. Not because of my individual actions, but the actions of individuals that are part of a community that myself and others have been forced in with. We see what hurt they have caused. Hurt towards women, hurt towards children, hurt towards anyone who dares to speak up or ask critical questions.

Even if you're aware that we are trying to speak up against the chaos, I do think an apology is in place from our side. Sorry we couldn't stop it. We are still fighting it, and there will be a day we will win. It's close. But the backlash you received was unfair and out of place. We see that, and we are ashamed of what happened. Sorry for everything that happened.

I hope you are well and thank you for making my childhood magical. 🪄



R to @jk_rowling: You’re getting first pictures of the sample, thanks for responding…..knowing the OEMS if it goes into production it will be called Winnie.