Jack Monroe - Bootstrapcook



R to @MarkD_H: One deliberately twisted half page from a 256 page book that hasn’t yet been released, yes, I can see precisely how that discredits ten years of my work.



I’ve got to call it a night before my head gets any darker because it’s currently in ‘what’s the fing point of even trying to do anything any more’ which is a fast spiral to hell. Going to bed. Slander, libel, bully and lie amongst yourselves: I’m gone.



Seem to have woken up with that barking cough/flu thing that’s going around - immaculately timed, as ever - so these two aren’t leaving my side… Yes that’s a deliberately blurry SB: according to the pencil marks on the door frame, he’s a mere 1cm shorter than his mother now (!!)



Well one thing to come out of the hammer and knife dogpile is the sheer volume of kind souls donating can openers to their local food bank collection points as a result. Once again, the Good Twitter Community pulls through and quietly delivers. Thankyou, you generous wonders. 🥰



R to @perkyparkins: Add one of the spuds, mashed, and if you have any curry powder and/or cheese, some of that, fridge it to set, then shape into patties and fry it into fritters. ☺️



R to @Puddle575: You can’t have done John, according to the experts on here you’d be dead or missing all your fingers…! 🥹



R to @CarriMac: Considering the tin can was invented 5 decades BEFORE the tin opener…



R to @hrbooth20: The ones I work with are always asking for tin openers. Not everyone has a stocked kitchen, and not all poverty looks the same as my experience nor your experience of it. I hope things get easier for you soon and wish you well.



And given that I fully expect the usual suspects to be deluging Amazon with fake terrible reviews, if you have purchased a copy of #ThriftyKitchen and you like what you see, please take a moment to leave a positive review of it! Hate can’t win this round, it’s utterly exhausting.



R to @WolfBaginski: It doesn’t show like that on my screen - maybe check your display settings? If they’re set to ‘shrink to fit’ or similar then it may condense it in the way you describe - I’m not a tech expert though!



R to @DorothyKoomson: Thanks lovely. Have ‘I Know What You’ve Done’ as wonderfully distracting company from feeling utterly rotten, so, cheers 🥰



R to @Ian_G_Howarth: I’m flattered you think I’m organised enough to have a strategy!