Munchausens by Internet, Malingerers and illness Fakers


Apr 23, 2024
This is a forum to discuss people and we didn’t invite you here. i don’t care what you think of me.

Also do you know how forums work? Have you ever seen anyone prosecute people in a tattle thread? You’re off your rocker. Stop looking here if you don’t want to hear what people think.

I genuinely think you’re a malingerer. It’s my opinion and I can’t change it
The definition of malingering is someone faking or exaggerating illness to get out of work or duty. However, I am a full time university student, who also works as a cover teacher and I have a summer job. By definition I literally cannot be malingering.
Oh and the police are cracking down, it’s referred to as malicious communication. You are using a forum to make false claims about me and your comments are paramount to bullying. Your use of a public forum is causing annoyance, inconvenience and needless anxiety to myself, which is against the law.
Feb 28, 2024
The definition of malingering is someone faking or exaggerating illness to get out of work or duty. However, I am a full time university student, who also works as a cover teacher and I have a summer job. By definition I literally cannot be malingering.
Oh and the police are cracking down, it’s referred to as malicious communication. You are using a forum to make false claims about me and your comments are paramount to bullying. Your use of a public forum is causing annoyance, inconvenience and needless anxiety to myself, which is against the law.
That’s just simply not true. It’s so funny that that’s where your mind goes to, that it’s a crime lol. It’s called an opinion - look at this site tattle Reddit do you honestly think these people are getting prosecuted daily?

yes I think you exaggerate and are always complaining - you fell out with your friends because you cry victim and look at your comments you’ll see how many people think the same. I don’t know why you’re here you can’t thought police and you’ve just made yourself look worse.
Feb 28, 2024
You know the first thing the police would advise you do?

1) put your social media to private
2) stop looking here

But you won't do that as you can't be the victim then. You obviously seek out this forum to be replying to comments so quickly, it's like you almost thrive on the
All she’s done is just reaffirm what I was saying. And she’s so chronically online she has no self awareness. it’s nothing she doesn’t know as her comments constantly tell her this.


New member
May 7, 2024
so. i went to school with this girl. (cat)

she was like this in school, she hasn't changed in the slightest. she basically claimed she was a health professional in school too, so that hasn't changed either.

i still have abusive messages she sent me when we were in school so if she wants to talk legal action, and bullying, two can play that game.

funnily enough, she also didn't have any of these health conditions in school, she actually planned on joining the military. she had asthma, and dyslexia. and she loved the attention the dyslexia got her because she got extra time in our gcses - she had german, textiles and drama on the same day with extra time and so she had to stay late, and the attention she wanted from that, well you can imagine.
Last edited:
Feb 28, 2024
so. i went to school with this girl. (cat)

she was like this in school, she hasn't changed in the slightest. she basically claimed she was a health professional in school too, so that hasn't changed either.

i still have abusive messages she sent me when we were in school so if she wants to talk legal action, and bullying, two can play that game.

funnily enough, she also didn't have any of these health conditions in school, she actually planned on joining the military. she had asthma, and dyslexia. and she loved the attention the dyslexia got her because she got extra time in our gcses - she had german, textiles and drama on the same day with extra time and so she had to stay late, and the attention she wanted from that, well you can imagine.
Omg this is amazing. Shes doing that smile they do when she’s talking about stuff in her latest videos. Like she’s smug about her illnesses. It’s so strange.

It’s like she’s been shopping for diagnosis. The EDS one was so obviously the path she was gonna go down. Doctors must absolutely despair. In fact I know they despair.
She worked in an ambulance for about 50 seconds but I’ve heard her say she knows more than nurses lol


Apr 23, 2024
so. i went to school with this girl. (cat)

she was like this in school, she hasn't changed in the slightest. she basically claimed she was a health professional in school too, so that hasn't changed either.

i still have abusive messages she sent me when we were in school so if she wants to talk legal action, and bullying, two can play that game.

funnily enough, she also didn't have any of these health conditions in school, she actually planned on joining the military. she had asthma, and dyslexia. and she loved the attention the dyslexia got her because she got extra time in our gcses - she had german, textiles and drama on the same day with extra time and so she had to stay late, and the attention she wanted from that, well you can imagine.
If you have a problem with me, please message me directly because you obviously know very little about me or about what school was actually like for me. We’re both full grown adults, who left school nearly 11 years ago. So please, message me so we can sort it instead of commenting anonymously on a bullying forum.
Feb 28, 2024
If you have a problem with me, please message me directly because you obviously know very little about me or about what school was actually like for me. We’re both full grown adults, who left school nearly 11 years ago. So please, message me so we can sort it instead of commenting anonymously on a bullying forum.
Go away!!!!!
  • Haha
Reactions: Countess Dracula


New member
May 7, 2024
If you have a problem with me, please message me directly because you obviously know very little about me or about what school was actually like for me. We’re both full grown adults, who left school nearly 11 years ago. So please, message me so we can sort it instead of commenting anonymously on a bullying forum.
why would I want to message someone who was horrible to me in school and now is finally getting her comeuppance?

someone who literally threatened me with violence (I have the messages)

someone who insulted my appearance and boasted about how sexually prolific she was but that I was so ugly I would never get a guy (I have the messages)

someone who isolated me and as someone who suffers from anxiety (and did then) told me things like how none of my friends liked me etc, which as a teenager who was already suffering with my mh (which you were aware of) in a bitchy all girls school, just made me feel even worse

you project this persona of being a victim and that people are bullying you and being horrible to you, when that's how you made me, and others, feel in school and then on social media when the school day was over
Feb 28, 2024
why would I want to message someone who was horrible to me in school and now is finally getting her comeuppance?

someone who literally threatened me with violence (I have the messages)

someone who insulted my appearance and boasted about how sexually prolific she was but that I was so ugly I would never get a guy (I have the messages)

someone who isolated me and as someone who suffers from anxiety (and did then) told me things like how none of my friends liked me etc, which as a teenager who was already suffering with my mh (which you were aware of) in a bitchy all girls school, just made me feel even worse

you project this persona of being a victim and that people are bullying you and being horrible to you, when that's how you made me, and others, feel in school and then on social media when the school day was over
Wow oh my gosh. Obviously I have no way of knowing if this is true but Cat portrays herself as someone that’s always hard done by and people are against her. I really don’t understand how people get like this. The other person I posted about here also worked in the medical field. Apparently it’s a common theme from what I’ve read


Apr 23, 2024
why would I want to message someone who was horrible to me in school and now is finally getting her comeuppance?

someone who literally threatened me with violence (I have the messages)

someone who insulted my appearance and boasted about how sexually prolific she was but that I was so ugly I would never get a guy (I have the messages)

someone who isolated me and as someone who suffers from anxiety (and did then) told me things like how none of my friends liked me etc, which as a teenager who was already suffering with my mh (which you were aware of) in a bitchy all girls school, just made me feel even worse

you project this persona of being a victim and that people are bullying you and being horrible to you, when that's how you made me, and others, feel in school and then on social media when the school day was over
I’m sorry if you felt I did any of those things. I don’t remember them. I very nearly didn’t make it out of that school myself so I know how rough it was. However, a) don’t think having genetic diseases is “cummupance” and b) you chose to seek out a forum, by googling my account and looking for forums to find this. That seems pretty vindictive to me.
I was severely bullied at that school. Had rumours spread about me, was the butt of people’s jokes, and spent most of my time hiding because of the severity of the bullying. But I was also 11-16 and you are trying to judge someone on their actions as a scared, hormonal teenager. Please don’t think I am the same person I was today as I was 11+ years ago, because I doubt you are too.
Please stop accusing me of things that you won’t talk to me about. We’re both grown women. At least give me the chance to actually apologise for what you’re saying I did because I genuinely don’t remember.


New member
May 7, 2024
I’m sorry if you felt I did any of those things. I don’t remember them. I very nearly didn’t make it out of that school myself so I know how rough it was. However, a) don’t think having genetic diseases is “cummupance” and b) you chose to seek out a forum, by googling my account and looking for forums to find this. That seems pretty vindictive to me.
I was severely bullied at that school. Had rumours spread about me, was the butt of people’s jokes, and spent most of my time hiding because of the severity of the bullying. But I was also 11-16 and you are trying to judge someone on their actions as a scared, hormonal teenager. Please don’t think I am the same person I was today as I was 11+ years ago, because I doubt you are too.
Please stop accusing me of things that you won’t talk to me about. We’re both grown women. At least give me the chance to actually apologise for what you’re saying I did because I genuinely don’t remember.
i literally googled the forum because you mentioned it on your tik tok. but knowing how you seek attention that may have been the aim, hm?

and fundamentally, i am the same person i was at school. anxious. so forgive me if i don't want to message my bully privately where you can spout verbal abuse at me again, which you cleary won't do in public fora.

i do actually have apology messages you sent me... followed by more abuse.

and funny how i look back at school and remember you being the bully, and any response you got was purely people defending themselves from your words and actions. but as you said, you don't remember that bit. maybe amnesia is a diagnosis you could add?


Feb 4, 2024
I’m sorry if you felt I did any of those things. I don’t remember them. I very nearly didn’t make it out of that school myself so I know how rough it was. However, a) don’t think having genetic diseases is “cummupance” and b) you chose to seek out a forum, by googling my account and looking for forums to find this. That seems pretty vindictive to me.
I was severely bullied at that school. Had rumours spread about me, was the butt of people’s jokes, and spent most of my time hiding because of the severity of the bullying. But I was also 11-16 and you are trying to judge someone on their actions as a scared, hormonal teenager. Please don’t think I am the same person I was today as I was 11+ years ago, because I doubt you are too.
Please stop accusing me of things that you won’t talk to me about. We’re both grown women. At least give me the chance to actually apologise for what you’re saying I did because I genuinely don’t remember.
classic narcissist behaviour “i don’t remember that”


New member
May 7, 2024
"I'm sorry you felt like that" typical narcissistic behaviour

Also she's buzzing on her new video re the COVID jab reaction

She just loves to have something wrong with her
she actually said ‘I’m sorry you felt I did those things’. like i don’t feel she did those things, i know she did those things, i still have the messages to prove it 🥲
Feb 28, 2024
she actually said ‘I’m sorry you felt I did those things’. like i don’t feel she did those things, i know she did those things, i still have the messages to prove it 🥲
I’ve never come across anyone quite like it. She doesn’t seem to have any self awareness either which makes it more incredible. Also she will write again and say “err I’m right here” not realising that this is a forum to discuss people whether they agree or not.