Sasha fontain

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Mar 16, 2024


New member​

I've had to make a new account to address something on here you moronic moles. I am NO longer interested in anything said or done on here or in Tiktok. My 2 babies are home for 3 months from Australia, so I intend on spending quality time with them because I haven't seen them psychically in a year!

Keep my name out of your mouths & just get on with your own lives please 🙏 Do what you need to do regarding Sasha Fontain! But I'm not a victim of hers. I walked away because I liked Nikki & what she did to her was terrible.

Enough is enough. I don't want any involvement with this pathetic crap. Get a life & get off the Internet if things get to you so much. It's really that simple.

Wibblewobble aka zoe101. Nobody is getting ANYTHING off me! I am NOT obsessed with Sasha. That's 2yr old, OLD news! I'm done with this pathetic nonsense & I want no part in the trolling or the mentioning of her name 😒

I apologised to Welsh Di because I didn't realise what she went through because of my drunken mistake. That was a GENUINE mistake on my part!!!!!! I'm owning it & I'm truly ashamed of myself. The poor lady has been through cancer. I've lost family to cancer. In Dec we buried my mother in law & brother in law. Life is too short for this crap!

I have NEVER threatened children, so I have absolutely NO idea where you heard that??

I find you a very immature woman with a fixation on Sasha. I think its personal & nothing to do with the charity she robbed. You just won't leave her alone...YES this is my opinion of you!!!

I have no filter & I will run my mouth without thinking & I can hurt ppl with the truth. But that's a their problem, because only the truth hurts.
The ONLY women I will support are the GOOD women, who in my opinion deserve it & who need it. I won't support the scum!!

Oh & btw the ONLY accounts I have on here were WelshCatLadyLisa & now this new one. I don't need to hide like a troll behind fake accounts. I will say what I need to say straight to your faces. Sam is the ONLY one who hides like a coward on fake profiles & says s to ppl or about ppl.

Now I've got to drive back home to South Wales from London this morning. Have a great day!! 👍
Wrong again. In past you have said I was slosher. Make your mind up lisa. You’re not interested because people saw right through you in lives and blocked you correct me if I’m wrong but this was like 2 weeks ago. You treied to have plenty to say then on Sasha but was shut down. Just because you walked away so you say doesn’t mean you did some vile things before hand. Walking away doesn’t make it ok what you did. Have some accountability for your words and actions. You say you were drunk when you threatened Di? In that case if I were you I wouldn’t drink if it made me into type of person to threaten other women on the internet


Mar 16, 2024
Sam. That video was funny. I posted it myself remember? Awe I'm sure you recorded the actual live. You are known as Little miss screen record
You will be checking in here all time now you are RELEVANT again. Just like you used to love fact you was mentioned on tattle. Oooo look at me being talked about… with your stop it stop but really was I love it I love it, somebody has noticed me at last


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Mar 20, 2024
Do me a favour. do off Sam! I played you like a fiddle 🎻 Did you REALLY think I believed anything you were saying to me?? 🤣🤣🤣
OMFG we've all laughed at you in our group chat. I was showing them your messages. You TRYING so hard to convince me that Feisty is a liar.
Now now darling you are the biggest liar on tiktok & I'm sure your poor mum is looking down on you with utter shame & disappointment 😞
You belong with ppl like Sasha & Wibblewobble Gill & Tattle. You are a sad pathetic little troll who gets obsessed with people then stalks them. Fiesty is an angel in comparison with you darling. You are not a loyal friend. That bullshit you were telling tattle about being loyal to Sasha when I can prove otherwise because you were sending me her voice notes & messages whilst pretending to be her friend. It's ME that has any REAL evidence on Sasha. I have her messages & voice notes of her asking me to look up Di. Asking me to get her on higher PIP. Plus lots of other juicy stuff that WOULD ruin her. None of you will ever get a hold of it. I dont help horrid vile ppl.
I've NEVER considered you anything other than a 2 faced sad lonely woman who's son hates her & wants nothing to do with her. You work in a sty warehouse earning peanuts. Upto your eyeballs in debt because you tried to hard to make friends on tiktok that you had to get into that debt for them. I felt sorry for you. Like I told Feisty & the girls. I have empathy & for some unknown reason & I pity you & your sad, pathetic little life. But I couldn't trust you!! You dox ppls phone numbers & addresses. I mean you cried enough over Feisty doing it back to you. You tried SO hard to find out where she was living now. Asking me questions about her ALL the time, sending me screenshots & recordings thinking that I didn't already know.
You have absolutely NO backbone. You ALWAYS do as you are told by others, whereas NOBODY tells me what to do or say! I stand up to bullies not bow down to them & kiss their arses like you!
So do me a favour. Keep trolling & stalking Feisty, Sasha & me. We love the attention ♥️
You will die a lonely old woman. You will NEVER have a friend longterm because you just have zero loyalty to anyone. You sleep with married men ffs. You are a disgusting dirty rotten w.
Like I said. Your mum will be disappointed & I'm sure disgusted in you! Do better girl. Change your ways or karma is coming for you BIG TIME.
I won't be commenting to you again Sam. You no longer exist to me! I haven't looked at Tattle on about 2 wks. I'm not interested in them, Gill or Sasha! It's been 2yrs. Get the do over her ffs. It's driving you insane.
Your a piece of s aren’t you Lisa , how fing dare you mention someone’s dead mother ,your the one always trying to stay relevant trying to get in the mix on anyone’s lives ,what’s up Lisa you got no real friends ? Probably not you probably stab everyone in the back at every opportunity you get ,2 faced oversized drunken t that you are ,karmas coming to you lady ,🤔 no , your defo not a lady


New member
Mar 20, 2024
Your a piece of s aren’t you Lisa , how fing dare you mention someone’s dead mother ,your the one always trying to stay relevant trying to get in the mix on anyone’s lives ,what’s up Lisa you got no real friends ? Probably not you probably stab everyone in the back at every opportunity you get ,2 faced oversized drunken t that you are ,karmas coming to you lady ,🤔 no , your defo not a lady
She is disturbed and not right in the head by the sounds of it. Stooped really low this time haven’t you Lisa. Karma is coming for you
Mar 20, 2024
I find it incredibly laughable that you minions could even contemplate that I would be remotely bothered by your words on a screen.
I sincerely couldn't give a damn about any of you little keyboard commandos on here or TT.
The fact that you actually think that your mocking of my looks, my MH, body shaming me etc etc could have any impact on my day to day life is bizarre. Now you lot may get hurt & upset by this stuff, but I genuinely don't.
I never play the victim card in any situation because what I've been through in my life has made me a strong independent woman!
I don't cry over spilt milk, I mop it up & move on!
I don't sit making pathetic little attention seeking videos of myself saying "so & so did this to me or so & so said that about me" because that just shows how much you need to get attention & play the victim! I don't make videos doxxing people's addresses or personal info because I have integrity & no matter what somebody says about me or tries to do to me! I honestly don't get affected by any of it.
I don't scuttle around on fake accounts & stalk people or abuse them because I have the balls to do it to them as me!
I say what I mean & mean what I say so cry a river, build a bridge & get over it.
If you get affected by words on a screen then you really shouldn't start anything with me because I will guarantee you this, I will give my honest opinion of you whether you like it or not.
Now I've said I'm bored with this & that I won't be back but I'm no coward. I will always defend myself & I will never run & hide from anyone. I also do not need anyone to fight my battles for me because I'm big enough & hard enough to do that myself.
As for my kids. I brought them up. There isn't anything that they do not know about me. We all have a very good relationship & I tell them everything. They are not ashamed of me in any way shape of form. They agree with how I deal with you trolls. Do you seriously think that I hide stuff from them. They are all on tiktok. All following me, they pop in my lives on TT if they happen to be online, they have been reading on here & like myself they think you lot are pathetic trolls who cry over words on a screen & they find that you are infact obsessed with me!
My kids are 24, 28 & 31. They are not babies. They are adults.
Now please do yourselves a favour. Go outside & touch some grass & breath in some fresh air.
@wibble wobble I thought you were "triggered" by me darling? Why on earth have you stalked me here??? Also why have you unblocked me on TT??? You'll notice I've blocked you now. 🙂 I am not interested in your obsession with Sasha! I want nothing to do with your stalking of her or finding out information about her. I find it rather bizarre. You seem way too invested in her life. It's not normal behaviour.
Anyhow. I'm off to cook a Welsh breakfast for my babies. Carry on as you were 👋👋
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Mar 13, 2024
I find it incredibly laughable that you minions could even contemplate that I would be remotely bothered by your words on a screen.
I sincerely couldn't give a damn about any of you little keyboard commandos on here or TT.
The fact that you actually think that your mocking of my looks, my MH, body shaming me etc etc could have any impact on my day to day life is bizarre. Now you lot may get hurt & upset by this stuff, but I genuinely don't.
I never play the victim card in any situation because what I've been through in my life has made me a strong independent woman!
I don't cry over spilt milk, I mop it up & move on!
I don't sit making pathetic little attention seeking videos of myself saying "so & so did this to me or so & so said that about me" because that just shows how much you need to get attention & play the victim! I don't make videos doxxing people's addresses or personal info because I have integrity & no matter what somebody says about me or tries to do to me! I honestly don't get affected by any of it.
I don't scuttle around on fake accounts & stalk people or abuse them because I have the balls to do it to them as me!
I say what I mean & mean what I say so cry a river, build a bridge & get over it.
If you get affected by words on a screen then you really shouldn't start anything with me because I will guarantee you this, I will give my honest opinion of you whether you like it or not.
Now I've said I'm bored with this & that I won't be back but I'm no coward. I will always defend myself & I will never run & hide from anyone. I also do not need anyone to fight my battles for me because I'm big enough & hard enough to do that myself.
As for my kids. I brought them up. There isn't anything that they do not know about me. We all have a very good relationship & I tell them everything. They are not ashamed of me in any way shape of form. They agree with how I deal with you trolls. Do you seriously think that I hide stuff from them. They are all on tiktok. All following me, they pop in my lives on TT if they happen to be online, they have been reading on here & like myself they think you lot are pathetic trolls who cry over words on a screen & they find that you are infact obsessed with me!
My kids are 24, 28 & 31. They are not babies. They are adults.
Now please do yourselves a favour. Go outside & touch some grass & breath in some fresh air.
@wibble wobble I thought you were "triggered" by me darling? Why on earth have you stalked me here??? Also why have you unblocked me on TT??? You'll notice I've blocked you now. 🙂 I am not interested in your obsession with Sasha! I want nothing to do with your stalking of her or finding out information about her. I find it rather bizarre. You seem way too invested in her life. It's not normal behaviour.
Anyhow. I'm off to cook a Welsh breakfast for my babies. Carry on as you were 👋👋
You realise no one likes you here right? So why don't you just do off ya sad old bint
Mar 20, 2024
That @Jojo Thought she would bring that nobody Sasha to this board. Nobody even knows her on TT let alone on here. She's a very very small creator. But you all give her relevance every time you cry her name! Because the more someone is spoken about, the more followers they gain on TT.
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