She can’t do any of this being a bizzy #singlemum #senmum. She’s too busy filming herself dancing around her kitchen and selling se!! When asked about makaton she said he wasn’t ready for that. Makaton can be introduced really early on and there is a wealth of free resources available! She has no excuse for not putting her all into M’s development. Thought the whole point of her doing this “job” (i say that very loosely ) was so that she could be there for her kids more?It's really hard. I have visuals for them so they can navigate their routines in the morning but I have to be on top of them otherwise we would be late and y. My children are verbal and are able to do things themselves but its come from sheer hardwork and consistency over the years. M could be doing a lot more if she took the time. Instead she comes on and acts like she is hard done by. Learn makaton, seek help from from speech and language to build boards for visuals, play games, read stories etc. Take him to groups to boost his social and emotional skills.
She does and shouts at him and forces him to kiss her for food it's sickening! L is way down the pecking order. And it will get worse when money stops for her! SEN mum's work hard and we reap the rewards with our dedication and sheer effort to raise these wee humans.
PS I also have ASD kids. It sounds like you’re doing amazing