Directing the whole of your TikTok platform to ig to look at your daughter is so unhinged behaviour absolutely no safe guarding whatsoever,it’s sick and twisted imo especially with how many predators use socials and take children’s images to manipulate for their own perverted uses
so not on.
She cannot even have the defence of I didn’t realise blah blah blah shameless your a fat ugly irresponsible excuse of a mother who does the exact opposite of what your supposed to do …:you know protect your child at all costs.
It comes to something when strangers on a gossip forum have more empathy and awareness for your child then the whole of your family.
As for the make up wearing all girls want to experiment my granddaughters do they raid my make up lol and make each other up they are 10 and 12 but only in my house they are washed etc before they go out.
A bit of lipgloss is all you need at H age her skin is so sensitive at that age your setting her up for a lifetime of skin issues and for the love of god please do something with that bairns hair,She could have so many beautiful styles as it’s thick mine would kill for hair like h they all have thin fly away hair but then again what do I expect when her mother does sod all with her hair ….,it’s tragic when that’s your role model.