I can’t work out whether this holiday has been positive or negative for Shameless. She seems more relaxed and less obnoxious, but I think a lot of that could be to do with the fact she’s away with someone else and can’t make stuff up like she normally does and get cocky about it.
She’s also not posted as much. Again, could be because she can’t exaggerate things like she normally does.
I can only hope it’s been because she felt the need to put her phone down and spend some time with her daughter for once. She won’t like the fact this holiday has been all about the kids, that’s for sure!!
She’s probably been attempting to parent a bit more like Steph. Steph does at least appear to care about at least one of her kids. Poor Lily doesn’t seem to get mentioned at all though.
She wants us to think it’s been very positive but In reality she’s struggled with parenting h all alone and without mummy.
Will she will keep this pretence up when
home of course not she will be round mummies so fast her feet won’t touch,poor h will be re surgically attached to her iPad /phone while skanky shops till she drops.
She I’ll be back to ignoring h while swiping tinder even though she’s been a brave lil soldier and done something we all do year in year out take the kids away and then we will have the “ I’m not well me eyes are in the back of me head bs so daddy takes h to school .
Then it’ll be home bargain haul,Tesco haul with kylie of course followed by a pasta Arrabbiata from pizza and co or maybe a maccies with sauce missing iykyk
and to end the evening a lively cuddle with the baybeeeeze who she neglected for a week funny how we never hers of the older two now.
Hod she’s predictable .