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  1. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    Anyone can write on here and it's freedom of speech for everyone but if u comment on here...please can it be kept on here without making reference to it on the other thread as that inevitably will bring it up again on there and also encourage others over to read and it start on here too. This is...
  2. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    I am going to stop myself from replying to any more messages on here tonight as I'm trying my best to learn to deal with things better and not when I read things that I don't agree with...jumping straight on. I think a lot of it is going to be agree to disagree based on what I've read. I cant...
  3. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    Omg.. I've actually welled up reading that! 🥹❤️ I've not ever read anything so real and accurate. Spot touched deep. Don't care who mocks me for feeling or saying that. Some people think we blame everything on our pasts and trauma or even make it up...wish I was. None of us asked for...
  4. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    I agree with everything u have said. Top to bottom. You are right to be in your profession with those types of core values...beliefs and actions. Thank you....again ❤️
  5. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    Thank you for coming over and acknowledging my post. I wanted you to see it really...well the related parts. was my fondness of u which hurt me and surprised me. I did and could see what you were trying to do tho....I was too wired up to respond appropriately. I also write...
  6. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    @RosieJo and @Standupifyouhateaimee thought i would reply to u both in one for this as no point writing same update twice. Glad your training was good and worth it. Makes a big difference when u are passionate about something and u feel it will benefit u...and patients. Are you ok twinnie? I...
  7. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    I gathered that too.❤️
  8. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    I haven't been around much on there either..mainly cuz of my s going on but maybe subconsciously I was moving away from a sense. I've missed lots. Maybe it was wrong to come back on there with a woe is me post as one of my first posts back... I occasionally skimmed and even broke the break to...
  9. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    I hadn't been around much on there either..mainly cuz of my s going on but maybe subconsciously I was moving away from a sense. I've missed lots. Maybe it was wrong to come back on there with a woe is me post as one of my first posts back... I occasionally skimmed and even broke the break to...
  10. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    Couldn't agree more and back at you! ❤️xx
  11. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    No..stupidly i am still awake. I just feel s over the whole thing.More so for poor Rosie now. It's so uncalled for. Her truth hurt clearly. Just shows some cant follow their own views when it's them on the end of it. You were right about tiredness not helping tho twinnie. Thanks again...
  12. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    I am so sorry you have got backlash as a result of me. I respect you for standing for what you believe in. I've been made to feel like I'm crazy (admittedly I am a bit) and you saw things through genuine unbiased eyes and was just honest. I feel sad and also responsible that you got crap from...
  13. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    I've replied and left group. I'm on here still..for now. Hopefully that person will stay the do away. I can't type anymore atm twinnie..can't really see as really upset. Love you tho xx
  14. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    I'm done. Beyond upset xx
  15. noseyneighbour

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Wow.. I actually apologised to u in that message which is more than i had from you. It's not harsh it's horrible. You clearly didnt like people supporting me and it's pissed u off so u have resorted to belittling and mocking. No part of your original reply to me was nice. It was blunt and u...
  16. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    Wow...just read that response over there from that person just wow....😳😔
  17. noseyneighbour

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Aww thank you for saying that ❤️
  18. noseyneighbour

    Faceless Friends

    Don't you just love meetings... Thanks for thinking of me. I have been working but prob been on my phone too much today. I went to sleep at 06:30 so had less than 2 hours sleep so admittedly grumpy. Rosie just put into the perfect words on what my thoughts are/were. ❤️ See now that I'm feeling...
  19. noseyneighbour

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Thank you for getting it... also sorry you actually get it too as u can clearly relate so hugs back. ❤️ I appreciate your words and understanding more than u prob realise xx
  20. noseyneighbour

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    I can't see the wood for the trees tbh. I've spiralled into a meltdown I wasn't already far off. Justifiable or not...u can't reason with anxiety and your own thoughts. If you know. I dont need everyone to want me or love me...that's just entitlement or have a me versus them thing...