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  1. Becki Jones

  2. Becki Jones

    Yeah. I agree with the principle on Tattle tbh, I just think the definition of "almond muming" can get a bit stretched at times. Plus we all have different calorie needs, and what you eat, or how much, is very boring information to anyone except yourself, usually. Unless you're a big massive...
  3. Becki Jones

    Partially off topic, but isn't it mad that people feel the need to say "no almond mum but..." only to say something obviously true like "eating 4000 calories of takeaway isn't a good idea." Almond muming used to mean turning your nose up at anything other than a salad, or telling your kid to...
  4. Becki Jones

    As if big Bex would share a pizza 😵‍💫
  5. Becki Jones

    She barely eats real food. She's a junkie for processed se, and the portions are getting bigger and bigger as she chases a dopamine high. The enablers in her comments need to give their heads a wobble. They're enabling an addict.
  6. Becki Jones

    That huge dominoes order from tonight is definitely all for her. Full box of wedges dumped on her plate and only 1 mega dep ordered that she also plonked on her plate before she got in bed to scran it all. How she's still breathing is beyond me.
  7. Becki Jones

    Omg the "to the haters" video 😭 These influencers do my head in. They want all the perks that come from posting content and going viral but absolutely kick off at any criticism whatsoever. Beckatron, if you post public content, people can and will comment whatever they want. If you don't like...
  8. Becki Jones

    Oh god no Becki shouldn't get a fringe. I have fine hair that gets greasy so quickly it's horrifying, and I got a fringe. I had to spray it with dry shampoo every morning and top it up throughout the day, and I'm someone who washes their hair every morning 😭😭 Way too high maintenance for Bex.
  9. Becki Jones

    She slips up as well. In one of her recent videums she only called it "Home and Bargains" the first time she said it. Then she switched to saying "Home Bargains" properly. She defo mispronounces things and acts like a dimwit to bait comments.
  10. Becki Jones

    Because she purposefully tries to give off the vibe that she has special needs? Idk. Makes no sense to me. Clearly that farm isn't very high budget. I can't imagine whoever is in charge of marketing is highly skilled.
  11. Becki Jones

    Her Home & Bargains haul she posted literally TODAY is full of s too. Packets and packets of junk that she's definitely already binged her way though. She's so far in denial she needs to be studied.
  12. Becki Jones

    Why is she referring to a single piece of chicken as "this chickens?" It's one piece of chicken Bex, not one piece of chickens. She has to be doing this on purpose 😭
  13. Becki Jones

    Doing a youtube dance workout and then shovelling in a MacDonumds breakfast with dep is like having a dirty house, cleaning one plate, and then throwing a house party to celebrate. What's the point 😭
  14. Becki Jones

    Thank you for capturing the full monstrosity 😩
  15. Becki Jones

    I don't eat MacDonumds and haven't for a decade. But lads, is THAT what a McMuffin is supposed to look like? It looks like it was picked out of a bin and ran over with a truck. Yuck. (I'd attach a screenshot but this site is super broken for me and the option to do so is greyed out).
  16. Becki Jones

    I really don't understand how she forces down those portions. She sits on her arse all day. There's no way she's felt real hunger since 1997.
  17. Becki Jones

    The reply button has disappeared for me but thank you @Sevda_the_seagull, that makes sense.
  18. Becki Jones

    If Nayalove on TL's screenshots are right, and Becki makes even close to $6k per post. Why did she only pay for one room for both her and Paige in a budget Ibis hotel when they went to Tokfest? She's either not making anything close to that, or instead spending absolutely thousands of £ on...
  19. Becki Jones

    Why is she making a giant vat of hot chocolate and uploading a tiktok of herself spilling it everywhere? The slow cooker hot chocolate does not work! Use a pot with a lip on it for pouring 😭😭 Lord have mercy.
  20. Becki Jones

    She's either LARPing as a busy mum eating that s in her car, or she ate so much at breakfast with her family that she knew they'd give her grief for eating again.