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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    I did say she was gonna crash 😂 I had to turn the volume on she scared me poor animal
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    She looks like Andre The Giant
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    SabrinaAAA I know why you’re cleaning the house and where you got the energy frommmm brother it’s called mania and you’re in for one hell of a crash
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    ‘Don’t say I don’t look after you’ she says to the dog while laughing about giving him garlic salt and onion in a bbq sauce that will kill him
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    45 years old and claiming people are bullying her for talking about stuff SHE said of SHE does
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Did she do a tiktok poll on what to name Logan or something
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    And posting about the sliders, Sabrina but you swore on his picture 😭
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Typical narcissist thinks she’s smarter than all of us and that people believe her bullshit, that poor dog is going to die from sodium poison, and she laughs about it
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    She’s definitely looking here, she quotes it and tries to skate past it or ‘a friend’ told her , you have no friends Sabrina just vulnerable people with clear learning difficulties that u can easily manipulate and take their money for your se.
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    50 minutes I fell asleep for playing the Xbox woke myself up by snoring checked and in that 50 minutes there was about 8 videos. What a fin dickhead and ye Sabrina that’s it feed your dog bbq fin sauce and kill it ye handicap dope
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    I wish I could se e the first video where she tells everyone about Logan i would get a full packet of biscuits for that s show
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    No one thought this fing psychiatric patient about air currents. The balloon. What a fing idiot
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    My physciatrist told me the only reason she doesn’t want to put me on diazpam is because she was on them herself and you have to keep taking more and more and more, I’m now on pregablin 3 times a day , hope every one is having a good day :) except for that whacko
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    I been struggling for 7 years to get anxiety tablets and that fool has diiazapam? Seriously? System is an absolute disgrace
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    She’s a loser, that’s the only way to describe her. No one knows what she been through nla Bla bla
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    That teeny one is a ducking idiot as well and Lillian’s back commenting on the posts
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    She thinks she’s so clever but she doesn’t realise the people ‘closest’ to her are the ones causing the s not us 😂 and her self of course, video after video after video id love to know what other people who just watch think of her behaviour
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Who’s aoife I have never heard of her before
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    I don’t know anyone who could tell themselves over and over how much of a nice person they are and how much of a good heart they have like she does