Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

Mar 3, 2024
South Wales UK
And everyone is laughing at you, Lisa! The idiot who lies about her daughter’s job! You say you have an amazing life, yet here you are with all your fake accounts!
And you have mocked her trauma! You are one sad, old, lazy cow 🐮
Little miss isn't me but I'll own it. I couldn't give a rats arse who ppl think I am. I wasn't put on this earth to please you. I was put on it to destroy you PLM supporting ftards. YES all of you friends with Tam!!


Mar 9, 2024
How is saying duncle laughing at abuse as a child? If her dad and uncle are the same person, surely what's being laughed and mocked is the fact that her mother was doing things with her full sibling long before the abuse happend. I'm on the phone with Aisha laughing at how apparent it is that you are a fool
Littlemissme is Lisa talking to herself and liking her own comments 😂
Mar 15, 2024
So I heard about mabel turning on Tammy Tampax lol. Didn't Welsh Lisa say that she would? Or was it Fiesty 🤔 One of them did in that live the other day. So predictable 🙄 She manipulated all of those sad suckers in her boxes to turn on Tammy too. Very clever just now, but won't be for much longer. Plm are coming for you MABEL.You've pissed them off. Good luck with that one.