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  1. Macncheese

    Ailsa Gardiner (@familymealswithailsa)

    Oh my goodness!! No I’ve not seen that!! That’s terrible!! Poor kids!! How, with 3 adults there, have they allowed the kids to get burnt?! Was the sun a surprise on their holiday abroad? Absolutely no excuses for that, just simply another example of their terrible parenting
  2. Macncheese

    Ailsa Gardiner (@familymealswithailsa)

    I also find her incredibly fake. She’s created a not very nice little girl!! I think she gives in to her when the water works start, which seems often going by how often she’s on video with red puffy eyes. I don’t think she’s ever taught her children manners or even speak to her husband with...
  3. Macncheese

    Chels mchodg

    Wow, she thinks she’s going to get the “whole house back in to tip top shape” When has it ever been in tip top shape?! You couldn’t even get one room in that dive clean and nice in an hour!
  4. Macncheese

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    It has taken my daughter YEARS to finally persuade me to get a pair of crocs. They’re getting delivered today so imagine how annoyed I was to see her joining the club (any club she’s in, I’m out, she does influence me, to not do anything like her!!) thankfully I did not order a garish pink more...
  5. Macncheese

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    So she saw 2 of her cats having issues but only phoned the vet after comments from strangers?! She should have those animals (and winkle) removed for their own health and safety!! Was remy boy in a cat carrier in the car or just allowed to roam about whilst she was driving? She sickens me more...
  6. Macncheese

    Jo's unfiltered life

    Vile woman. Terrible mother. One time benefit thief. Oh, lazy too ( home often enough to make and edit tik toks but hires a cleaner) Her yellow rodent teeth disgust me. How can one be so absolutely deluded?
  7. Macncheese

    Kara Thespiritualcoquettegirl @thespiritualcoquettegirl

    She thinks she’s going to be the best auntie?! She has the time, money and reasonably good health to be a better mum but she doesn’t even try!! I feel so bad for her son!! The poor baby will be absolutely inundated with crap whilst the poor boy has to wait until his birthday to get basic things...
  8. Macncheese

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

  9. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    She’s more knob the builder than Bob the builder 🤣🤣
  10. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Exactly what I was thinking, she’s usually able to get a drs appointment no problem so I believe she’s trying to put it off as long as possible to try and get her alcohol levels (and whatever else she may be taking) down.
  11. chels mchodg

    I can’t believe she actually wears that grotty stripey jumper with the hugely saggy sleeves out of the house!!
  12. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Aimee’s DIY would be disaster it yourself 🤣
  13. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Her chewing annoys me too. Looks like she chews with her front teeth. I’m guessing she’s already had her back teeth removed due to all the sugar?