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  1. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Yes!!! I thought this was crazy. This also goes back to her lack of social skills and awareness of normal life. She quite often mentions things like that or giving Ela a bath or not being able to share toys without any recognition of how fed it is. If she had actual friends or colleagues and...
  2. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Surely the cheese on the bottom of the plate just sticks to it like cement? I’ve also noticed the last couple of times she’s done a Sainsbury’s delivery haul, you can tell what s meals she’s going to turn into “cooking” videos the following week based on her shop. Someone has has a serious...
  3. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    SIL said yesterday that she had plans to take Sasha to Datça with Sevda and Ela to see her mother. She said some time between September and December so another holiday to add to the list!
  4. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    On an iPad I’m someone else’s home at dinner. I’ve never seen anything so rude! wtf.
  5. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    For me it was when Sevda had to hide Ela’s “good toys” before another child came round for a play date because she admitted she isn’t very good at sharing things.
  6. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    She was trying so hard to bite her tongue this morning. So much she wants to say….. I think that’s why she’s been in a foul mood and not posting much. Her mood swings must be terrifying for anyone in her household. She has obviously been told to wind it in and keep her trap shut and it is...
  7. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Wewwy funny 🤣
  8. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    So Mine didn’t film an EWM last night because Doormat mummy was helping her pack for Amsterdam. What age is she? That is absolutely insane. Kuki let slip she would be visiting Daça later in the year with Sasha and Sev & Ela. I wonder if it’ll be term time 👀👀 Also bizarre to me that she would...
  9. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    THIS!! It isn’t surprising though. She has 0 interaction or conversations with normal adults about what’s going on in the world. Her monosyllabic husband and iPad kid are hardly providing stimulating conversations! She is so out of touch with society and the real world and doesn’t even have a...
  10. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Are grapes really a choking hazard for a child of nearly 8?! 😳
  11. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    You can just tell she is been completely rattled the last couple of days. The sulky huffing and radio silence is her go to when things aren’t go wrong. Followed up with a woe is me pouty pity video and announcing she’s taking a day off for her mwental helf.
  12. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    If I had kids round for a play date, I wouldn’t be sitting about the house in a nightie at 6pm? That’s so fing weird!!!
  13. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    If she had even an ounce of intelligence, she would be taking note of all these comments and increasing backlash and adjusting her content and “brand” accordingly but she’s too narcissistic to acknowledge that she might be the problem. She’s cutting her own nose off to spite her face, especially...
  14. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I’ve always wanted someone that’s fluent in Turkish to let us know how she’s sounds to their native ear! Is her pronunciation as terrible? Can they actually make out what she’s saying? Is it fluent?
  15. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    She’s one of those twats that would check into a hospital on FB and when people comment to ask why, would reply something like “I’ll PM you hun” 😂😂 She knows fine well her weirdo fans will fill her comments section with comments asking what’s wrong and if she’s ok because she mentioned the...
  16. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    She really struggles to put the fork full of food physically into her mouth as well. It’s like she’s in slowmo.
  17. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Mine, if you stopped filming yourself eating like this, you might actually be out on dates instead of talking about all the dating shows you’re watching. 👀
  18. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    2 Sainsbury’s deliveries in a row, closely followed by a paid AD. I smell undeclared vids Sevda. Off to the ASA I go 😁
  19. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Who the do buys the art for their house from the range 😂😂😂 She’s just come back from Cyprus, I bet she could have bought some really nice prints or even original paintings for a reasonable price. She’s such a scruff it’s unbelievable.
  20. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I just can’t get over how s she looks whilst having so many free (high end) products at her disposal. For someone that sits on their arse all day doing so little, how does she look so grey and haggard constantly?