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  1. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    please do. she's pissing me off 😤 what a disgusting mind she has to write something like that wowwww!
  2. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

  3. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    everybody please just press the ignore button for lollypop26. ya can't argue with stupid right? 🙄don't give them the satisfaction of replying back to them. oh a mean hagbag.
  4. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    what?? like a said learn some grammar 😘, now have a good lazy day I'm off to work.
  5. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    the 5th time?! whattttt 😳 that is cruelty that can kill the poor mammy cat wtf man 🤬🤬
  6. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    I 💯% believe that
  7. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    you clearly need to learn grammar correctly, jesus bloody christ 😫
  8. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    ffs I've not been on all weekend due to having the flu, but ffs the arguments an s just ignore! an as 4 calling police 🙄please they won't do jack s. Stephanie has brought this on all on. shes sick in the head biggest TROLL out there
  9. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    well said 👏🏼👌
  10. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    Good for her 👏🏼 but I actually couldn't give a flying fig if she went to the landfills love oh wait she already lives there huh
  11. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    omg Lewis Stephanie or whoever you are. Stephanie is a beg and a liar, it's as simple as that! but bless ya for defending her
  12. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    she's in a right huff puff about not going to Blackpool ain't she 😅she's like a petulant child 🤣
  13. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    aye that's why the bison is crying 🤣 withdrawing it needs grease!
  14. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    I dont give a monkeys if she do or don't ok don't bloody lie about it when everyone can here it!
  15. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    🤮🤮 cheese flaps