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  1. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    That confirms it then! A common tart. 😂😂😂
  2. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    How could you ever say such a thing! It's an insult to the EastEnders' Bianca character when Sevda's wearing of these awful off-the-shoulder outfits make her look like a courtesan, street walker, a hooker or a prostitute desperate for a quick lay. A chain around her ankle would complete the...
  3. Bowmanswife

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Hello roseyposey but I smell a rat. Maybe you're actually James Horton Kofoed himself and if you are you deserve all of that supposed stress. We all know that you're ok because if you weren't you'd not have taken that holiday which proved to the whole of the TikTok community and the world...
  4. Bowmanswife

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Don’t forget to close the door on your way out.
  5. Bowmanswife

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    He's been rumbled and he knows it. He can't delete or block what's said here or over on the "other" forum (I don't know if I can name it) and he has no comeback. He's a sick liar, no respect for genuine cancer suffers and it's not before time that he's been exposed for what he is. I'm proud...
  6. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    You missed out the scruffy, diabolical obstacle who calls herself Nannabea, she does all the above AND her weekly clean in them!! In her own words, she only gets dressed if she's going out. If ever there was a real life Waynetta Slob, it's Nannabea.
  7. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    About that bag for Ela to take her Ipad to dinner when on holiday. First, it's wrong on every level for tablets and phones to be used at the dining table, it's for eating and not playing games, the child is no longer a toddler and should be taught that there's a time and place for everything...
  8. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Because the precocious little madam’s progress is being purposely held up by her overbearing, selfish controlling mother who wants her to remain a baby who she can keep under her control. Taking her out of school for unnecessary trips abroad, keeping her off school if she sneezes, it’s just so...
  9. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    They're as big as the fingerholes in a ten pin bowling ball! :ROFLMAO:
  10. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    She also said that Ela doesn’t take a packed lunch on Wednesdays because the school dinner is a roast and Ela likes the roast dinner. So why the hell doesn’t the lazy camel cook a proper dinner instead of all the Turkish stuff she dishes up on such a regular basis?
  11. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    She complains of being bunged up Perhaps she’s never heard the saying of being “cheese bound“? Poor Elosh must be suffering in the same way with cheese and cucumber sandwiches every day in her lunch box. Diabetes next with all the sugar her stupid mother loads her with.
  12. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    My thoughts exactly, she eats some awful concoctions and calls it breakfast. The awful creature is still slurping her drinks as well, it’s so rude and unnecessary.
  13. Bowmanswife

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    So relieved and thankful that I’m not alone when I smelled that rat. It’s so wrong to feign cancer when millions are fighting for their lives and having to wait months for life saving treatment whilst this sick individual claims that he’s admitted into hospital and operated on within hours for...
  14. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    What the hell does she look like?! The frock is awful and certainly not appropriate considering the temperature outside, I swear she’s got a big screw loose. 😂
  15. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    The revolting camel fills her mouth with as much food as possible, chews eight times max and has to force a noisy swallow ready to shove more in! I’ve never heard anything like it in my life. 🤢
  16. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Sevda, my dear, it isn’t done to lick a knife - EVER! A shame that she didn’t slice off that horrible tongue. As for the breakfast, it looked horrible and guess what, another outing of the yoLk. It’s YOKE, rhymes with joke which is what you are, a complete under educated joke!!
  17. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    It’s all the fingering that disgusts me, why keep moving food around on a plate with your fingers especially when serving up for others and she does it all the time. 🤢
  18. Bowmanswife

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Multiple surgeries after bowel cancer with TikTok videos showing him in a hospital bed to back up his claims. Sadly if true, announced that the cancer had spread with a further tumour being removed from his lung only last week that landed him in ICU (this LAST WEEK!). Launched a Go Fund Me page...
  19. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    No way would I want Dyson straighteners, way way overpriced, Ghd all the way. I don't even rate Dyson vacuum cleaners, had two and didn't like them, I truly believe that anyone who buys that brand is simply paying for the name.
  20. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Disgusting feral animal slurping her coffee this morning, why? Who in God’s heaven would think that it’s acceptable to do that when they’re filming for millions to see and HEAR? She makes me feel physically sick, dragged up and taught no manners whatsoever.